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Paper Publications
Peng Wang,王鹏,Cao yunfeng,xl,Meng Ding,张洲宇,曲金秋.一种图像缩放算法的SoC协同加速设计方法:北京航空航天大学学报,2018
Peng Wang,王鹏.Superresolution mapping based on hybrid interpolation by parallel paths:REMOTE SENSING LETTERS,2019
Peng Wang,王鹏.Utilizing pansharpening technique to produce sub-pixel resolution thematic map from coarse remote sensing image:REMOTE SENSING,2018
Peng Wang,王鹏,ZHANG Gong,Leung, Henry.Utilizing Parallel Networks to Produce Sub-Pixel Shifted Images With Multiscale Spatio-Spectral Information for Soft-Then-Hard Sub-Pixel Mapping:IEEE ACCESS,2018
Peng Wang,王鹏.“新工科”背景下数字图像处理实验延展探索:工业和信息化教育,2018
Peng Wang,.Superresolution land cover mapping based on pixel-, subpixel-, and superpixel-scale spatial dependence with pansharpening technique:EEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Peng Wang,.Subpixel land-cover mapping based on extended random walker:IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Peng Wang,.Subpixel mapping of urban built-up areas using spatial-spectral information from satellite multispectral remote sensing imagery:Remote sensing letters
Peng Wang, Liguo Wang, Jocelyn Chanussot,.Soft-then-hard subpixel mapping based on spatial-spectral interpolation:IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Peng Wang, Liguo Wang,.Soft-then-hard super-resolution mapping based on a spatial attraction model with multiscale sub-pixel shifted images:International Journal of Remote Sensing
Peng Wang, Liguo Wang, Mauro Dalla Mura, Jocelyn Chanussot,.Using multiple subpixel shifted images with spatial-spectral information in soft-then-hard subpixel mapping:IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Peng Wang, Liguo Wang, Yiquan Wu, Henry Leung,.Utilizing pansharpening technique to produce sub-Pixel resolution thematic map from coarse remote sensing image:Remote Sensing
Peng Wang, Gong Zhang, and Henry Leung,.Utilizing parallel networks to produce sub-pixel shifted images with multiscale spatio-spectral information for soft-then-hard sub-pixel mapping:IEEE Access
Peng Wang, Gong Zhang, Yingying Kong and Henry Leung,.Superresolution mapping based on hybrid interpolation by parallel paths:Remote sensing letters
Peng Wang, Gong Zhang, Siyuan Hao, Liguo Wang,.Improving remote sensing image super-resolution mapping based on the Spatial attraction model by utilizing the pansharpening technique.Remote Sensing
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