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谭晓茗(1976——),女,教授,工学博士,博导/硕导。 学科研究方向一:航空宇航推进理论与工程学科研究方向二:工程热物理 学科研究方向三:热能工程发表学术论文,出版专著情况:1. Zhang,Qing-cai,Tan,Xiao-ming*,Wang,Qin-qin,etc. Numerical investigation on effects of egress flow through different rim seals,Thermal Science and Engineering Progress,2023,38,101648 2. Li,Wen,Tan,Xiaoming*,Huang,Xiaofeng,etc. Application of double-wall cooling structure in the integrated strut flame stabilizer,Thermal Science and Engineering Progress,2022,36,101526 3. Li,Wen,Tan,Xiaoming*,etc.Multi-optimization of double-wall cooling structure of integrated strut flame stabilizer and sensitivity analysis of parameters,Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022,38,107683. 4. Jia Tian, Yuan-shuai Wang, Jing-zhou Zhang, Xiao-ming Tan*,Numerical investigation on flow and film cooling characteristics of coolant injection in rotating detonation combustor,Aerospace Science and Technology,2022,122,107379 5. Xiao-Ming Tan*, Jing-Zhou Zhang, Qing-Zhi Cai, Effects of pin-fin shapes on mesh-fed slot film cooling for a flat-plate model, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2019,11(3). 6. Xin-Jun Li,Jing-zhou Zhang,Xiao-ming Tan*, Enhancing forced-convection heat transfer of a channel surface with piezo-fans, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2022, 227, 107437. 7. Tan Xiao-ming*; Zhang Jing-zhou; Xu Hua-sheng. Experimental investigation on impingement/effusion cooling with short normal injection holes, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,69:1-10. 8. Tan Xiao-ming*, Zhang Jing-zhou. An experimental investigation on comparison of synthetic and continuous jets impingement heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,90, 227-238. 9. 韦裕恒 ,谭晓茗*,李 文等,带前缘冲击的一体化加力支板内外耦合传热数值研究,推进技术,2023,44/5,142-155. 10. 张庆才 ,谭晓茗*,张靖周等,带缘板修型的静盘深腔型复合封严试验, 航空学报,2023,44/5,40-53. 11. 王元帅,谭晓茗*,田佳等,旋转爆震发动机燃烧室气膜出流影响数值研究,航空动力学报,2021,36/11,2353-2362. 12. 田 佳,谭晓茗*,王元帅等. 旋转爆震发动机燃烧室壁面烧蚀热防护研究, 推进技术,2022,43/1,158-166. 13. 曾文明,谭晓茗*,张靖周。高冷气温度下横向波纹隔热屏气膜冷却特性研究 ,推进技术,2019,40/4,866-875. 14. 赵一霖,谭晓茗*,张靖周带起始气膜的大弯管发散冷却特性的数值研究 推进技术,2020,41/12,2739-2747
承担的科研项目情况: **专项,涡轮叶片新型高效冷却方式及其流动换热机理研究 **专项,一体化加力支板冷却结构的耦合传热机理、热分析模型及其优化设计研究 国防***项目,旋转爆震发动机热防护技术研究 航空科学基金,基于合成射流的燃烧室出口温度场主动控制方法探索研究 国家自然科学基金:压电谐振风扇激励非定常涡环流动与换热特性研究 科研项目:高效涡轮盘缘封严技术研究