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  • 所在单位:材料科学与技术学院
  • 职务:江苏省能量转换材料与技术重点实验室副主任
  • 学历:博士研究生毕业
  • 办公地点:南京航空航天大学将军路校区西区材料学院大楼D10-B317
  • 性别:
  • 联系方式:18913854729
  • 学位:理学博士学位
  • 职称:研究员
  • 主要任职:江苏省真空学会常务理事-江苏省光伏科学与工程协同创新中心副理事长-南京市可再生能源学会副理事长
  • 其他任职:亚太材料科学院院士 (2013年10月)
  • 毕业院校:中国科学院上海冶金研究所
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Effect of Li co-doping with Er on up-conversion luminescence property and its temperature dependence of NaY(WO4)(2)
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  • 所属单位:材料科学与技术学院
  • 关键字:Li+ co-doping Alkaline earth oxides Upconversion photoluminescence Temperature sensing
  • 摘要:NaY(WO4)(2) phosphors with different Er3+ doping and Er3+/Li+ co-doping concentrations were prepared via high temperature solid state reaction. X-ray diffraction measurement demonstrated the presence of tetragonal-phase NaY(WO4)(2), and no impurity phase was found in Er3+/Li+ co-doped samples. Well-crystallized NaY (WO4)(2) phosphors showed a fine morphology with particle sizes of 1-6 mu m determined by scanning electron microscope. Under excitation at 980 nm, the origins of three emission peaks located at 527 nm (green emission 1), 549 nm (green emission 2) and 665 nm (red emission), respectively, were identified. By introducing Li+, the up-converted (UC) emission intensity was enhanced by 0.5 times and 2 times in green and red emission region, respectively. The enhanced luminescence was attributed to the distortion of the local symmetry around Er3+ due to Li+ incorporation in the lattices. The H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2) (green emission 1) and S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) (green emission 2) transitions of the Er3+ ion presented a temperature dependent behavior from 300 to 30 K and were proposed for temperature sensing (optical thermometry) by using the fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) method. The FIR data obtained by experiment was well fitted with a theoretical function. A higher maximum value of sensitivity (0.0061 K-1) was obtained in 5% Er3+, 0% Li+ doped sample at 300 K. However, due to the distortion of local crystal field around Er3+ ions caused by the introduction of Li+, the sensitivity value of 5% Er3+ and 1% Li+ co-doped sample was higher than that of Li+ free sample below 270 K, which indicated that appropriate Li+ co-doping could optimize the temperature sensing behaviors of Er3+ doped NaY(WO4)(2) phosphors.
  • ISSN号:0022-3697
  • 是否译文:
  • 发表时间:2019-03-01
  • 合写作者:Yao, Hanyu,唐群涛,陈照峰,李玉芳
  • 通讯作者:沈鸿烈
  • 发表时间:2019-03-01