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Structures and properties of black multicrystalline silicon with a structure of invert pyramid prepared controllably by ag and cu dually assisted chemical etching method

Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院

Journal:Guangzi Xuebao

Abstract:Using by the method of one step Ag and Cu dual elements based Metal Assisted Chemical Etching(MACE), a nano-light trapping structure was prepared at a room temperature on the surface of the multicrystalline silicon. Then, the silicon wafers were made an anisotropic refactoring using by a Nano Structure Rebuilding (NSR) solution at a temperature of 50℃, so that the invert pyramid light trapping structures with different sizes were prepared. The reflectance and surface morphologies of multicrystalline silicon, and the minority carrier lifetime of the passivated multicrystalline silicon were measured by spectrophotometer, scanning electron microscopy and Sinton WCT-120 tool respectively. The results show that, the main factor to affect the final size of invert pyramid structure is the depth of the as-etched nanostructure. The deeper the depth is, the larger the final size of invert pyramid structure becomes. With the increase of NSR refactoring time, the size of the invert pyramid structure goes larger and the reflectance becomes higher too. While the minority carrier lifetime increases with the increasing of the size of invert pyramids after atomic layer deposition passivating, one should make a balance between anti-reflection result and passivation effect. An invert pyramid with an edge length of 600 nm is found to be an optimal size, corresponding a reflectance of 9.87% and a minority carrier lifetime of 37.82 μs. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:1004-4213

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-01-01


Correspondence Author:shl

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Main positions:江苏省真空学会常务理事-江苏省光伏科学与工程协同创新中心副理事长-南京市可再生能源学会副理事长

Other Post:亚太材料科学院院士 (2013年10月)


Alma Mater:中国科学院上海冶金研究所

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science

School/Department:College of Material Science and Technology

Discipline:Material Science. Physics

Business Address:南京航空航天大学将军路校区西区材料学院大楼D10-B317

Contact Information:18913854729


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