今年还有两个硕士研究生招生名额!欢迎报考!(15850697318 微信同号,邮箱junshen2009@163.com)
2011/09-2015/08,香港大学,机械工程系,博士,导师:James Lam (Chair Professor, IEEE Fellow)
2008/09-2011/03,东南大学,硕士,导师:曹进德(IEEE Fellow,欧洲科学院院士)
本科,硕士分别毕业于东南大学。博士毕业于香港大学机械工程系。在香港大学攻读博士期间,获得University Postgraduate Fellowship,Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student等学术奖项。博士论文获香港大学优秀博士论文并入选Springer优秀博士论文系列丛书。
Journal of the Franklin Institute 副编
IEEE Access 副编 (2019-2021)
Proceedings of IMech part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 副编
IET Journal of Engineering副编
Cogent Engineering编辑
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control副编
Journal of Electronic & Information Systems副编
IET Control Theory & Applications客座编委
Journal of the Franklin Institute 客座编委
IEEE Senior Member
Member of IET
PS: 每年招收硕士生三名,硕士期间可推荐至国外知名高校进行短期访问,科研成果突出的可推荐至国外知名学校进一步攻读博士学位。
[1] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Input-output gain analysis for linear systems on cones. Automatica, 2017, 77: 44–50.
[2] J. Shen*, S. Chen. Stability and L∞-gain analysis for a class of nonlinear positive systems with mixed delays. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2017, 27(1): 39–49.
[3] J. Shen*, J. Lam. On the decay rate of discrete-time linear delay systems with cone invariance. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2016.2610104.
[4] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Some extensions on the bounded real lemma for positive systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2016.2606426.
[5] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Stability and performance analysis for positive fractional-order systems with time-varying delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61(9): 2676–2681.
[6] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Static output-feedback stabilization with optimal L1-gain for positive linear systems. Automatica, 2016, 63: 248–253.
[7] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Containment control of multi-agent systems with unbounded communication delays. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(9): 2048–2057.
[8] J. Shen, W. X. Zheng*. Positivity and stability of coupled differential-difference equations with time-varying delays. Automatica, 57: 123–127, 2015.
[9] J. Shen, W. X. Zheng*. Stability analysis of linear delay systems with cone invariance. Automatica, 53: 30–36, 2015.
[10] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Improved results on H∞ model reduction for continuous-time linear systems over finite frequency ranges. Automatica, 53: 79–84, 2015
[11] J. Shen, J. Lam*. On static output-feedback stabilization for MIMO positive systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25(16): 3154–3162, 2015.
[12] J. Shen*, J. Lam. ℓ∞/L∞-gain analysis for positive linear systems with unbounded time-varying delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (3), 857–862, 2015.
[13] J. Shen*, J. Lam. H∞ model reduction for discrete-time positive systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 25 (1): 88–102, 2015.
[14] J. Shen*, J. Lam. On ℓ∞ and L∞ gains for positive systems with bounded time-varying delays. International Journal of Systems Science, 46(11): 1953–1960, 2015.
[15] J. Shen*, J. Lam. Non-existence of finite-time stable equilibria in fractional-order nonlinear systems. Automatica, 50(2): 547–551, 2014.
[16] J. Shen*, J. Lam. L∞-gain analysis for positive systems with distributed delays. Automatica, 50(1): 175–179, 2014.
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