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个人信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师
物理学 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 物理学院
个人简介Personal Profile
1. 教育经历
(1) 1996.3–1999.5, 南京大学, 理论物理, 博士, 导师: 李正中
(2) 1986.9–1989.6, 南京大学, 理论物理, 硕士, 导师: 李正中
(3) 1980.9–1984.6, 苏州大学, 物理学 学士
2. 学术经历
1989.6-至今, 南京航空航天大学, 理学院, 讲师、副教授、教授。
3. 科研成果与奖励
4. 教学工作和获奖
[1] C. S. Wang, J. L. Li, Y. K. Lou, C. X. Kan, Y. Zhu, X. Q. Feng, Y. Ni, H. Y. Xu, D. N. Shi, and X. Y. We, Facile Synthesis and Heteroepitaxial Growth Mechanism of Au@Cu Core-Shell Bimetallic Nanocubes Probed by First-Principles Studies, Cryst. Eng. Comm, 2017, 19, 7287.
[2] J. S. Liu, C. X. Kan, Y. L. Li, H. Y. Xu, Y. Ni, and D. N. Shi, End-to-end and side-by-side assemblies of gold nanorods induced by dithiol poly(ethylene glycol). Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, 104(25), 253105.
[3] J. S. Liu, C. X. Kan, Y.L. Li, H.Y. Xu, Y. Ni and D. N. Shi, Plasmonic properties of the end-to-end and side-by-side assembled Au nanorods, Plasmonics, 2014, 10(1), 117-124.
[4] J. S. Liu, C. X. Kan, B. Cong, H. Y. Xu and D.N. Shi, Plasmonic property and stability of core-shell Au@SiO2 nanostructures. Plasmonics, 2014, 9(5), 1007-1014.
[5] L. H. Xu, C. X. Kan, C. S. Wang, B. Cong, Y. Ni, D. N. Shi, Synthesis of Ag Nanostructures with Controlled Shapes by a Polyvinylpyrrolidone- Assisted Hydrothermal Method, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2014, 30(3), 569-575.
[6] Y. L. Li, C.X. Kan, C. S. Wang, J. S. Liu, H. Y. Xu, Y. Ni, W. Xu, J. Ke, D. N. Shi, Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling Effect of Assembled Gold Nanorods Based on the FDTD Simulation, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2014, 30 (10), 1827-1836.
[7] Y. Zhu, C. L. Ma, D. N. Shi, K. C. Zhang,Shape deformation induced enhancement of ferromagnetism in δ-(Ga, Mn)As, Physics Letters A, 2014, 378, 2234
[8] Y. Pan, X. Y. Wei, F. M. Ji, Y. Zhu, D. N. Shi, Z. Q. Yang, Variation of exchange energy in d-(Ga,Mn)As films under tensile strain: PBE and LDA+U calculations, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 89139-89143.
[9] Y. Pan, T. Liu, X. Y. Wei, Y. Zhu, D. N. Shi, C. L. Ma, K. C. Zhang, Z. Q. Yang, Competition between Zener's double exchange and p–d exchange in δ-(Zn,Mn,Li)Se with shape deformation: LDA + U calculations, Physics Letters A,2015, 379, 2871-2875.
[10] L. S. Xu, J. Y. Fan, Y. Zhu , Y. G. Shi , L. Zhang , L. Pi, Y. H. Zhang , D. N. Shi, Impact of disorder effect on the percolative conductivity in Nd 0.5 Ca 0.5−x Sr x MnO3 (0.10≤ x ≤ 0.25), Chemical Physics Letters, 2015, 634 , 174-178.
[11] L. S. Xu, J. Y. Fan, Y. G. Shi, Y. Zhu, K. Bärner, C. P. Yang and D. N. Shi, Critical behavior and long-range ferromagnetic order in perovskite manganite Nd 0.55 Sr 0.45 MnO3, EPL, 2015,112, 17005.
[12] H. Y. Xu, C. X. Kan, C. Z. Miao, C. S. Wang, J. J. Wei, Y. Ni, B. Lu, and D. N. Shi , Synthesis of high-purity silver nanorods with tunable plasmonic properties and sensor behavior, Photon. Res. 2017, 5, 27-32.
[13] M. L. Huang , Y. F. Zhang, C. L. Du , S. Peng, D. N. Shi,Plasmon Peak Sensitivity Investigation of Individual Cu and Cu@Cu2 O Core–Shell Nanoparticle Sensors, Plasmonics, 2016, 11,1197–1200.
[14] C. C. Hu, T. N. Yang, H. B. Huang, J. M. Hu, J. J. Wang, Y. G. Shi, D.N. Shi, L. Q. Chen, Phase-field simulation of domain structures and magnetostrictive response in Tb1−xDyxFe2 alloys near morphotropic phase boundary, Applied Physics Letters 2016,108, 141908.
[15] C. L Du, M. L. Huang ,T. Chen, F. Sun , B. Wang , C. J. He, D. N. Shi,Linear or quadratic plasmon peak sensitivities for individual Au/Ag nanosphere sensors, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, 203, 812–816.
[16] J. Liu, C. X. Kan, Y. Li, H. Xu, Y. Ni and D. Shi, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, 104, 253105
[17] J. Liu, C. X. Kan, Y. Li, and D. Shi, Plasmonics, 2014, 10, 117-124.
1. 强关联轨道简并自旋系统的SU(4)理论 国务院 自然科学 国家二等奖 2002.12
(李有泉; 马启欣; 施大宁; 张富春; 顾世建) (科研奖励)
(2)2001-2002年度江苏省优秀科技工作者 江苏省委 2012.12
(施大宁) (科研奖励)
(3) 田亮 毕业博士 复杂网络的统计性质及其动力学分析 省优秀博士论文
(导师 施大宁)