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Paper Publications
Qiu Danfeng,Xiao Ma,Qiu Danfeng.State of Charge Estimation of a Lithium Ion Battery Based on Adaptive Kalman Filter Method for an Equivalent Circuit Model:Appl. Sci.,2019
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,mxp,zjd,Lin, Zixia,Zhao, Bin.In Situ Synthesis of Nanosized NiO Encapsulated in Graphene as High-performance Supercapacitor Cathode:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE,2018
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,mxp,zjd,Zhao, Bin,Lin, Zixia.In situ synthesis of mesoporous Co3O4 nanorods anchored on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets as supercapacitor electrodes:CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2018
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,Tang, Xi-Hao,Yin, Wen-Bing.Establishment of an Online Design for Estimation of Available State of Charge and Fault Detection through Simulation of the Equivalent Model of LiMn2O4 Battery:INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATION CONTROL (ICEEAC 2017),2017
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,Yin, Wenbing,Tang, Xihao,马骁,bg,xyj,Zhao, Bin,Lin, Zixia,Shi, Yi.Establishment of an Online Design for Failure Diagnosis through Simulation of the Equivalent Model of LiMn2O4 Battery:PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL, CONTROL AND AUTOMATION ENGINEERING (ECAE 2017),2017
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,马晓,zjd,Lin, Zixia,Zhao, Bin.In situ synthesis of mesoporous NiO nanoplates embedded in a flexible graphene matrix for supercapacitor electrodes:MATERIALS LETTERS,2018
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,马骁,zjd,Lin, Zi-Xia,Zhao, Bin.Mesoporous Silicon Microspheres Produced from In Situ Magnesiothermic Reduction of Silicon Oxide for High-Performance Anode Material in Sodium-Ion Batteries:NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS,2018
Qiu Danfeng,Qiu Danfeng,唐溪浩,马骁,施毅,郑有炓.电动汽车电池管理系统研究进展:电源技术,2018
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