  • 彭瀚旻
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • 机械工程
  • College of Aerospace Engineering

Educational Experience

  • 2007.42011.3

     南京航空航天大学   机械电子   Doctoral Degree in Engineering   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study 

  • 2005.92007.3

     南京航空航天大学   机械设计及理论   无学位   With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates 

  • 2001.92005.6

     江南大学   机械工程及自动化   Bachelor's Degree in Engineering   University graduated 

Work Experience

  • 2018.82019.8

    美国南加州大学      访问学者

  • 2011.42013.5


  • 2011.42013.5


Social Affiliations

  • 2016.10Now


  • 2017.11Now


Research Focus

  • [1] 工程力学

  • [2] 机械工程


Personal Information

彭瀚旻,南京航空航天大学教授,美国南加州大学Viterbi工程学院访问学者,江苏省优青。长期从事压电作动器和传感器、柔性机器人的力学理论、设计方法和应用研究。发表论文40余篇,部分研究成果在美国科学促进会(AAAS)的EurekAlert!网站上以新闻亮点形式报道以及被美国物理联合会(AIP)以Scilight的形式进行了专题报道。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项(面上、青年),江苏省自然科学基金项目2项(优青、青年),国家重点实验室自主研究课题2项(重点、青年),参与其他国家重大项目2项,等等。授权国家发明专利18项。曾多次与指导的研究生共同参加国际/国内会议并做特邀和口头陈述报告,包括美国、法国、日本、韩国、立陶宛、土耳其等。任国家知识产权局中国发明专利技术审查专家、中国机械工程学会微纳制造技术分会委员、中国振动学会高级会员、《IJSNM》SCI源刊青年编委、《振动、测试与诊断》EI核心期刊编委、IEEE member、中国航空学会会员、中国声学学会会员等。曾获第二届全国高校教师教学创新大赛一等奖,其他省部级以上奖项5项。 联系方式:penghm@nuaa.edu.cn个人主页:https://pdlab.nuaa.edu.cn/2017/0622/c876a199239/page.htm 生活兴趣爱好:羽毛球、乒乓球、登山和诗词研究方向:◆学科研究方向一:机械设计及理论(招收博士/硕士研究生)。目前主要研究方向为压电作动器在医疗领域的应用与开发,压电机器人设计,柔性机器人设计等。(详见页面下方研究成果)。 ◆学科研究方向二:专业方向为工程力学(招收硕士研究生)。目前主要研究方向为超声电机理论研究,柔性驱动机器人振动学分析,超声振动建模理论,生物医疗机器人动力学建模及应用分析。发表学术论文,出版专著情况:1、 部分期刊论文:1) Fenghua Shen, Hanmin Peng, Pancheng Zhu, Wangyi Chen. Piezoelectric actuation combined with ultrasound for enhancing drug delivery in gastric mucosa phantom in vitro[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2024, 33(1): 015027. (通讯作者,影响因子:4.131,JCR二区);2) Fenghua Shen, Hanmin Peng, Song Pan, Pancheng Zhu. Phased Array Ultrasound Enhanced Delivery of Nano Drugs for Tendon Adhesion Treatment[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 204: 109231. (通讯作者,影响因子:3.614,JCR一区);3) Ziyan Chen, Huayi Wu, Shuang Zhao, Xiang Chen, Tianhong Wei, Hanmin Peng, and Zeyu Chen. 3D-Printed Integrated Ultrasonic Microneedle Array for Rapid Transdermal Drug Delivery[J]. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2022, 19(9): 3314-3322. (共同通讯作者,影响因子:5.364,JCR一区);4) Hao Wan, Hanmin Peng, Xiongfeng Tang and Wangyi Chen. A Small Piezoelectric Stack Motor Designed for Vacuum and Micro-Dust Environment[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 32(1): 015009. (通讯作者,影响因子:4.131,JCR二区);5) Queenlisajoan Olan’g, Hanmin Peng, Ting Mao. Characteristics of A Small Arbitrary Walking and Jumping Composite Soft Actuator with Origami Structure[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2022, 347: 113904. (共同通讯作者,影响因子:4.291,JCR一区);6) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng. Theory and Method of Temperature Control for Drug Release in Hydrogel Phantom of Gastric Mucosa in Vitro[J]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2021, 129(21): 214506. (通讯作者,影响因子:2.877,JCR二区);7) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng, Gai Zhao, and Ni Chen. Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of A Legged Piezoelectric Bending Actuator with Shoe Soles Made of Polyimide Composites[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021, 92(5): 055002. (通讯作者,影响因子:1.843,JCR三区);8) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng, Linli Mao, and Jun Tian. Piezoelectric Single Crystal Ultrasonic Transducer for Endoscopic Drug Release in Gastric Mucosa[J]. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2021, 68(4): 952-960. (通讯作者,影响因子:3.267,JCR二区);9) Hanmin Peng, Linli Mao, Xuejun Qian, Xiaolong Lu, Laiming Jiang, Yizhe Sun, and Qifa Zhou. Acoustic Energy Controlled Nanoparticle Aggregation for Nanotherapy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2020, 67(4): 735-744. (第一作者和通讯作者,影响因子:3.267,JCR二区);10) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng, Xiaolong Lu, Mingsen Guo, Gai Zhao and Wenwen Liu. A Steerable Miniature Legged Robot Based on Piezoelectric Bending Actuators[J]. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020, 29(4): 045009. (通讯作者,影响因子:4.131,JCR二区);11) Hanmin Peng, Ting Mao, and Xiaolong Lu. A Small Legged Deformable Robot with Multi-Mode Motion[J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2020, 31(5): 704-718. (第一作者和通讯作者,影响因子:2.774,JCR三区);12) Jie Hu, Hanmin Peng, Xinke Yao, Tingyu Liu, Penghui Lu, and Chunsheng Zhao. An Investigation to The Design of High-Precision Wind Sensing Device Based on Piezoelectric Array[J]. Transactions of The Institute of Measurement and Control. 2020, 42(4): 840-853. (通讯作者,影响因子:2.146,JCR三区);13) Hanmin Peng, Penghui Lu, Jie Hu, Linli Mao and Kangdong Zhao. Steerable Miniature Ambulatory Robot Based on Piezoelectric Actuation with A Caltrop-Like Structure[J]. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020, 29(1): 015011. (第一作者和通讯作者,影响因子:4.131,JCR二区);14) Hanmin Peng, Xuejun Qian, Linli Mao, Laiming Jiang, Yizhe Sun, and Qifa Zhou. Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging in Acoustic Microbubble Trapping[J]. Applied Physics Letters. 2019, 115(20): 203701. (共同第一作者,影响因子:3.931,JCR二区);15) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng and Jianzhi Yang. Analyses of The Temperature Field of A Piezoelectric Micro Actuator in The Endoscopic Biopsy Channel[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2019, 9(21): 4499. (通讯作者,影响因子:2.838,JCR三区);16) Ting Mao, Hanmin Peng, Xiaolong Lu and Chunsheng Zhao. A Small Locust Inspired Actuator Driven by Shape Memory Alloys and Piezoelectric Strips[J]. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019, 28(10): 105051. (通讯作者,影响因子:4.131,JCR二区);17) Hanmin Peng, Jianzhi Yang, Xiaolong Lu, Pancheng Zhu, and Dawei Wu. A Lightweight Surface Milli-Walker Based on Piezoelectric Actuation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2019, 66(10): 7852-7860. (第一作者和通讯作者,影响因子:8.162,JCR一区);18) Jie Hu, Hanmin Peng, Ting Mao, Tingyu Liu, Mingsen Guo, Penghui Lu, Yalei Bai, Chunsheng Zhao. An Airflow Sensor Array Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Cantilevers for Synchronously Measuring Airflow Direction and Velocity[J]. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2019, 67: 166-175. (通讯作者,影响因子:2.420,JCR三区);19) Jie Hu, Hanmin Peng, Tingyu Liu, Xinke Yao, Huiyang Wu, Penghui Lu. A Flow Sensing Method of Power Spectrum Based on Piezoelectric Effect and Vortex-Induced Vibrations[J]. Measurement. 2019, 131: 473-481. (通讯作者,影响因子:5.131,JCR一区);20) Jie Hu, Hanmin Peng, and Xinke Yao. Design of PVDF Sensor Array for Determining Airflow Direction and Velocity[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2018, 89(8): 085007. (通讯作者,影响因子:1.843,JCR三区);21) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng, Jianzhi Yang, Ting Mao and Juan Sheng. A New Low-Frequency Sonophoresis System Combined with Ultrasonic Motor and Transducer[J]. Smart Materials and Structures. 2018, 27(3): 035021. (通讯作者,影响因子:4.131,JCR二区);22) Hanmin Peng, Pancheng Zhu, Penghui Lu. Acoustic Streaming Simulation and Analyses in In Vitro Low Frequency Sonophoresis[J]. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical. 2017, 263: 744-753. (第一作者和通讯作者,影响因子:4.291,JCR一区);23) Hanmin Peng, Pancheng Zhu, Zhijun Chen. Thermal Analyses of In Vitro Low Frequency Sonophoresis[J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2017, 35: 458-470. (第一作者和通讯作者,影响因子:9.336,JCR一区);24) 冒林丽,彭瀚旻,卢鹏辉,毛婷. 流速扰动聚焦超声下纳米颗粒聚集的研究(Nanoparticle Aggregation by Focused Ultrasound Under Flow Rate Disturbance)[J]. 振动.测试与诊断. 2021, 41(04): 784-791. (EI核心收录)25) 毛婷,彭瀚旻,查泽琳,赵燊佳. 形状记忆合金驱动的连续跳跃柔性机器人(Continuous Jumping Soft Robot Driven by Shape Memory Alloy)[J]. 振动.测试与诊断. 2021, 41(03): 447-452. (EI核心收录)26) 杨剑之, 彭瀚旻,圣娟,朱攀丞,基于杆式直线超声电机的微量注射系统[J],振动、测试与诊断,39(6):1311-1315,2019.12 (EI核心收录)27) 姚新科, 彭瀚旻, 胡捷, 基于压电双晶片的风速辨识系统[J], 振动、 测试与诊断, 38(1):190-195,2018 (EI核心收录)28) 彭瀚旻,卢鹏辉,喻伯平,陈致钧,密封系统对低频超声透皮给药的影响[J],振动、测试与诊断,36(4):790-795,2016.8 (EI核心收录)29) 彭瀚旻,喻伯平,毛婷,朱攀丞,陈致钧,低频超声透皮给药过程流场影响分析[J],振动、测试与诊断,36(6):1109-1115,2016.12 (EI核心收录)30) 彭瀚旻,陈致钧,卢鹏辉,冒林丽,低频超声透皮给药系统压电-声-热计算模型[J],振动、测试与诊断,35(6):1037-1043,2015.12 (EI核心收录)2、 部分会议论文:1) Hanmin Peng*,Enhancing Drug Delivery in Gastric Mucosa Phantom in Vitro by Combining with Micro Ultrasonic Transducer and Piezoelectric Actuator, the 13th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics jointly with the 13th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMF-13 & AMEC-13), November 12th – 16th, 2023, Macau, China, 特邀报告2) Hanmin Peng*,Controlled Drug Release In Collaboration With Micro Ultrasonic Motor And Ultrasound, The 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials 2023 (ICAE 2023), October 31th - November 3rd, 2023, Jeju, Korea, 特邀报告3) Hanmin Peng*,Pancheng Zhu, Controlled Sonophoresis on Drug Delivery Utilizing Ultrasonic Devices, The 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and3)Biotechnology (ICBEB 2023), November 17th – 20th, 2023, Macau, China, 特邀报告4) Fenghua Shen, Hanmin Peng*, Focused Ultrasound for Reducing Adhesion Degree of Muscle Tendon Phantom, The 16th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, November 12th - 15th, 2022, Nanjing, China, 分会报告5) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng*, Jianzhi Yang, Chunsheng Zhao, Thermal Analyses of a Piezoelectric Micro-Actuator Operated in Endoscopic Biopsy Channel, International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators 2019 (IWPMA2019), October 1st – 4th, 2019, Lyon, France, 分会报告6) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng*, Linli Mao, Penghui Lu, Ting Mao, Micro piezoelectric actuator designed for endoscopy application, The 7th International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering (SMN2019), September 20th – 24th, 2019, Harbin, China, 特邀报告7) Pancheng Zhu, Hanmin Peng*, Chunsheng Zhao, Control Strategy of a Steerable Miniature Legged Robot based on Piezoelectric Actuators , International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators 2018, September 11 - 14, Kobe, JAPAN 2018. 分会报告8) Hanmin Peng*, Dawei Wu and Chunsheng Zhao, A Study of Acoustic Temperature Coupled Model in Low Frequency Sonophoresis,The 14th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications & 12th Energy Harvesting Workshop & 1th Annual Energy Harvesting Society Meeting,September 11 – 14, 2017,Falls Church, VA, USA. 分会报告9) Hanmin Peng*, Pancheng Zhu and Chunsheng Zhao, Acoustic Streaming Simulation and Analyses in Low Frequency Sonophoresis,The 13th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications & Energy Conversion Materials and Devices, August 21-24, 2016, Jeju, Korea.分会报告10) Hanmin Peng* and Chunsheng Zhao, CHARACTERISTICS OF SONOPHORESIS ON RAT SKIN AND ARTIFICIAL MEMBRANE,The 12th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators,June 28 – July 1, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania. 分会报告11) Hanmin Peng, Jinjuan Zhou, Junhui Hu*, Thermal Analyses of the Ultrasonic Transducer with a Heat Dissipation System,The 10th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, 05.31-06.04, Nanjing, China, 2013. 分会报告12) Hanmin Peng, Jinjuan Zhou, Junhui Hu*, An Ultrasonic Transducer with Heat Dispersion System, The 23rd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST 2012), 10.11-13, Nanjing, China, 2012. 分会报告13) Hanmin Peng, Jinjuan Zhou, Junhui Hu*, Analysis of Energy Efficiency of a Box Type Sono-reactor at Resonance, The 6th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, 12.09-11, pp. 9-12,Shenzhen,China, 2011. 分会报告 (EI: 20122715188787)14) Jinjuan Zhou, Hanmin Peng, Junhui Hu*, Study on energy efficiency of box type non-resonant sono-reactor, The 6th Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, 12.09-11, pp. 48-51,Shenzhen,China, 2011. 分会报告 (EI: 20122715188797)科研成果获奖及专利:中国发明专利:1) 朱攀丞,彭瀚旻,杨剑之,基于压电驱动的爬行作动器及其工作方法,2023-09-29,中国,CN201711096727.4;2) 朱攀丞,彭瀚旻,杨剑之,基于双压电作动器驱动的注射器助推器及其工作方法,2023-09-29,中国,CN201710983690.0;3) 彭瀚旻,朱攀丞,圣娟,一种基于压电驱动的胃肠道超声药液促渗装置及其工作方法,2023-03-31,中国,CN201710294255.7;4) 朱攀丞,彭瀚旻,李辰赫,运用于狭窄空腔中的刚柔一体爬行作动器及其工作方法,2022-10-21,中国,CN202010183818.7;5) 朱攀丞,彭瀚旻,王逖清,阵列吸盘式刚柔一体爬行作动器及其工作方法,2022-06-17,中国,CN202010182958.2;6) 彭瀚旻,朱攀丞,陈致均,基于压电驱动的血管给药治疗装置及其工作方法,2022-04-22,中国,CN201610148105.0;7) 毛婷,彭瀚旻,冒林丽,多模式柔性机器人及其控制方法,2021-07-27,中国,CN201811391743.0; 8) 张雨秋,彭瀚旻,朱攀丞,风速感知作动器及其工作方法,2021-05-08,中国,CN202010727925.19) 毛婷,彭瀚旻,冒林丽,基于压电驱动的柔性机器人及其控制方法,2021.02.26,中国,CN201810767792.310) 彭瀚旻,冒林丽,时运来,一种应用于浅表肿瘤的靶向治疗超声给药系统及工作方法,2021.02.19,中国, CN201811420413.X11) 毛婷,彭瀚旻,冒林丽,一种基于压电驱动的腿式跳跃机器人及其控制方法,2020.04.07,中国,CN201811087537.012) 卢鹏辉,彭瀚旻,时运来,冒林丽,基于压电驱动的六足作动器及其工作方法,2020.03.17,中国,CN201811483104.713) 杨建林,孙志峻,彭瀚旻,王均山,金家楣,一种利用交替自锁的呈等腰梯形布置的爬杆作动器,2020.02.14,中国,CN201811465131.114) 杨建林,孙志峻,彭瀚旻,王均山,金家楣,一种交替自锁爬杆式压电作动器,2019.10.25,中国,CN201811380685.115) 彭瀚旻,胡捷,姚新科,一种感知环境变化的微型压电式机器人及环境感知方法,2019.08.16,中国,CN201711235049.516) 胡捷,姚新科,彭瀚旻,陈超,一种感知空间环境变化的新型微型球形传感器及其制备方法,2019.06.14,中国,CN201611235635.517) 彭瀚旻,胡捷,陈超,姚新科,一种压电纤毛感知空间气流变化弹用传感器组件,2018.03.13,中国,CN201611100740.818) 彭瀚旻, 卢鹏辉, 朱攀丞, 基于压电驱动的三基体作动器及其工作方法, 2016.8.3, 中国, CN201610251428.219) 彭瀚旻, 胡俊辉, 陈超, 一种超声检测与治疗一体化的内窥镜,2013.7.15,中国, CN201310294964.720) 彭瀚旻, 胡俊辉, 陈超, 一种体内蠕动式检测与治疗一体化机器人, 2013.7.17, 中国, CN201310298682.421) 胡俊辉, 彭瀚旻, 周金娟, 一种超声换能器, 2012.7.9, 中国, CN201210234735.1承担的科研项目情况:1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52375057,介入手术机器人双模感知、柔性定位和超声协同的复合驱动机理研究,2024/01-2027/12,50万元,在研,主持;2) 国家重点实验室重点项目,MCMS-I-0319Y01,介入手术机器人末端感知与超声协同的驱动机理研究,2022/01-2023/12, 60万元,结题,主持;3) 国家自然科学基金联合项目,U2037603,空间超声电机长效服役机理与集成制造技术基础,2021/01-2024/12, 950万元,在研,参与;4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51875280,消化道复杂环境下药液超声促渗动力学行为分析与优化,2019/01-2022/12,60万元,结题,主持;5) 江苏省优秀青年科学基金项目,BK20180067,基于内窥镜的超声药物控释技术研究, 2018/07-2021/06,50万元,结题、主持;6) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51405224,基于压电复合结构的精确、可控、无创透皮给药装置的设计理论和方法,2015/01-2017/12,25万元,结题、主持;7) 江苏省科技计划项目青年基金项目,BK20140818,低频超声无创透皮给药系统中压电精确控制技术的研究,2014/07-2017/06,20万元,优秀结题、主持;8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51275228,超声电机技术标准的基础研究, 2013/01-2016/12, 80万元,结题、参加。指导研究生情况: 现指导研究生11名,学生曾获荣誉:【国家级】指导的研究生获国家奖学金(2021)、CSC留学奖学金在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学访学(2021);【省部级】江苏省省级“三好学生”(2021年);【校级】优秀硕士毕业论文2名(2019年)、第八届“群星”创新奖(2021)、研究生拔尖创新人才“引航之星”称号(2022)等。指导毕业的研究生进入航天一院、航空工业、上海中航和上海联影等国家重要单位和知名企业,继续发扬创新精神。

  • Title : 省部级重点实验室副主任
  • Gender:Male
  • Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
  • Education Level:南京航空航天大学
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Contact Information:penghm@nuaa.edu.cn
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