Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
.Optimal decisions in two-echelon supply chain under hybrid carbon regulations: The perspective of...:COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING
.Dynamic production and carbon emission reduction adjustment strategies of the brand-new and the r....[J]:COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING
.Identifying purchase intention through deep learning: analyzing the Q &D text of an E-Commerce pl...:ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH
.Research on innovation features and optimization strategies of industrial clusters from the persp....[J]:KYBERNETES
.Efficiency evaluation and influencing factors analysis of fiscal and taxation policies: A method ....[J]:ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH
.BCMM: A novel post-based augmentation representation for early rumour detection on social media.[J]:PATTERN RECOGNITION
.Exploiting user network topology and comment semantic for accurate rumour stance recognition on s...:JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE
.Identification of rumour stances by considering network topology and social media comments.[J]:JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE
.Entity name recognition of cross-border e-commerce commodity titles based on TWs-LSTM.[J]:ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH
.The classification of rumour standpoints in online social network based on combinatorial classifi....[J]:JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE