Mi Chuanmin   

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

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Other Post: 江苏省智新产业数字化研究院副院长、江苏省互联网服务学会副秘书长

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Paper Publications

Title of Paper:Research on grey predication of regional dual energy consumption under carbon emission constraints


Affiliation of Author(s):南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院

Teaching and Research Group:管理科学与工程

Journal:The Journal of Grey System

Key Words:Spatiotemporal grey model, Total energy consumption, Energy consumption intensity, Heterogenous adjacent accumulation, Regional energy consumption prediction

Abstract:To enhance the modeling capability of the grey prediction model in the spatiotemporal domain, the paper proposes a novel spatiotemporal grey prediction model integrated with heterogeneous adjacency accumulation. Initially, an improved economic geographic gravity matrix is employed to characterize the spatial flow patterns of regional energy consumption, vividly illustrating the spatial interplay between non-adjacent provinces. Subsequently, a heterogeneous adjacent accumulation operator is incorporated to mirror regional discrepancies in energy consumption and bolster the robustness of the spatiotemporal prediction model. Ultimately, the novel prediction model is utilized to forecast the evolution of regional dual energy consumption within the constraints of carbon emissions. The findings of this research reveal the following: (1) By 2030, the total energy demand is projected to surge to 6.839 billion tons of standard coal, surpassing the predefined threshold of 6 billion tons. The prompt implementation of energy-saving strategies is paramount to expedite the attainment of carbon peaking. (2) Energy consumption intensity exhibits notable regional variability, with a spatially positive correlation in energy consumption intensity among regions. By 2030, it is anticipated that only 12 provinces, including Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, and Jiangsu, will attain the energy efficiency benchmarks of advanced developed countries.

Discipline:Management Science

Document Type:J



Page Number:79-95

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2025-01-15

Included Journals:SCI

Correspondence Author:Chuanmin Mi


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