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Paper Publications
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,董力,,周伽.Model-based System Reliability Analysis by using Monte Carlo Methods:Prognostics and System Health Management Conference,2019
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,董力,周伽.Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation for Parameters of Mixed Weibull Distributions by Using Particle Swarm Optimization:IEEE ACCESS,2019
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,刘婕,董力,梁喜辉.Maintenance Process Simulation Based Maintainability Evaluation by Using Stochastic Colored Petri Net:APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2019
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,张子文,荘露,周伽.Reliability Model of the Fly-By-Wire System Based on Stochastic Petri Net:International Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2019
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,董力,周伽.基于遗传算法的混合威布尔分布参数最小二乘估计:南京航空航天大学学报,2019
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,李夏楠,王静怡.An optimization approach for DAL assignments:Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology,2018
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,李乃鑫,周伽,张燕军.发动机控制系统时间限制派遣分析的若干可靠性理论问题:推进技术,2018
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,Li, Nai-Xin,Zhou, Jia,Zhang, Yan-Jun.On Reliability Theory of Time Limited Dispatch Analysis in Engine Control Systems:Tuijin Jishu,2018
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,Meng Ding,wzz,cg,Su Yan.面向卓越适航工程师培养的飞行器适航技术专业建设实践——以南京航空航天大学为例:工业和信息化教育,2019
LU Zhong,LU Zhong,Zhou, Jia,Li, Xianan.Monte Carlo simulation based time limited dispatch analysis with the constraint of dispatch reliability for electronic engine control systems:AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018
LU Zhong,Zuo, Ming J.,LU Zhong,Liang, Xihui,Zuo, Ming J.,Zhou, Jia.Markov process based time limited dispatch analysis with constraints of both dispatch reliability and average safety levels:RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY,2017
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