Associate Professor  

Alma Mater:北京理工大学

Education Level:北京理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Energy and Power Engineering

Discipline:Power Machinery and Engineering. Automobile Engineering

Business Address:10-528室



Paper Publications

Research on optimized GA-SVM vehicle speed prediction model based on driver-vehicle-road-traffic system


Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院


Key Words:driver-vehicle-road-traffic data records vehicle speed forecast optimized GA-SVM mode

Abstract:The accurate prediction of vehicle speed plays an important role in vehicle's real-time energy management and online optimization control. However, the current forecast methods are mostly based on traffic conditions to predict the speed, while ignoring the impact of the driver-vehicle-road system on the actual speed profile. In this paper, the correlation of velocity and its effect factors under various driving conditions were firstly analyzed based on driver-vehicle-road-traffic data records for a more accurate prediction model. With the modeling time and prediction time considered separately, the effectiveness and accuracy of several typical artificial-intelligence speed prediction algorithms were analyzed. The results show that the combination of niche immunegenetic algorithm-support vector machine (NIGA-SVM) prediction algorithm on the city roads with genetic algorithm-support vector machine (GA-SVM) prediction algorithm on the suburb roads and on the freeway can sharply improve the accuracy and timeliness of vehicle speed forecasting. Afterwards, the optimized GA-SVM vehicle speed prediction model was established in accordance with the optimized GA-SVM prediction algorithm at different times. And the test results verified its validity and rationality of the prediction algorithm.

ISSN No.:1674-7321

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-05-01

Co-author:Chen, MingNuo,Lu, XiaoDing,Zhao Wanzhong

Correspondence Author:李玉芳

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  • 李玉芳,北京理工大学车辆工程专业博士,副教授,无人系统专委委员,SAE 会员。

  • IET、SCIENCE CHINA、机械工程学报和北京理工大学学报等期刊评审专家。

  • 主持/参与国家自然科学基金、江苏省省自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发项目、中国博士后基金面上项目以及国家重点实验室开放基金项目等相关课题20余项,以第一作者或通讯作者在VSD、IET 等高水平技术刊物上录用和发表论文约40 余篇,主编教材/专著4 部,以第一发明人授权或审查中发明专利20 余件。

  • 主要研究方向为智能汽车辅助驾驶技术、先进底盘集成控制与混合驱动技术等。