Yun Liu

Associate Professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:东南大学

Education Level:东南大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering

Discipline:Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technology

Business Address:电子信息工程学院522室

Contact Information:13951873509


Paper Publications

Large Frequency-Ratio Dual-Band and Broad Dual-Band Parallel-Line Couplers


Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院


Key Words:Broad dual-band parallel-line coupler (BDPC) dual-band parallel-line coupler (DBPC) dual-band quarter-wave coupled line (DQCL) symmetric stepped-impedance coupled line (SSICL)

Abstract:In this paper, a symmetric stepped-impedance coupled line (SSICL) is proposed to realize dual-band quarter-wave coupled line (DQCL), giving the same equivalent even and odd characteristic impedances at two different frequencies. The DQCL can be directly used to design dual-band parallel-line coupler (DBPC) with arbitrary coupling coefficient and large frequency ratio, resulting in even shorter total length when compared with traditional quarter-wave parallel-line coupler working at lower frequency f(1). In addition, broad DBPC (BDPC) is constructed by cascading multiple sections of SSICLs, as the SSICL is quite similar with quarter-wave coupled line in circuit. For demonstrating the design methods, in the first step, two edge-coupled 20-dB DBPCs and one broadside coupled 6-dB DBPC, working at 1/5.2, 1/7.5, and 1/5.2 GHz, respectively, are designed, fabricated and measured, exhibiting good features like large frequency ratio, high isolations, and compact dimensions. Then, for broadening bandwidths, three-section BDPC working at 1 GHz/5.2 GHz is designed and measured, resulting in working bandwidths larger than 1.2 GHz. These good features have proved the feasibility of the proposed circuits and the corresponding design methods.

ISSN No.:2156-3950

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-01-01

Co-author:Jiang, Shuai,Zhu, Shuang,Tian, Yubo,Wu, Yongle

Correspondence Author:刘云

Next One:Synthesis Techniques on Multiband Impedance Matching Networks for Frequency-Dependent Complex Loads




IEEE Member, IEEE MTT-8 sub-committee Member。2013年1月起同时在上市企业从事博士后研究工作。

为国内外多个著名期刊审稿,其中包括IEEE T-MTT,IEEE T-CAS,IEEE MWCL, PIER,JEMWA, Microelectronics Journal,CAES Journal,电子学报,电波科学学报等。











微波用于生命体征探测。(Vital sign detection)



[1]Liu, Yun. "Synthesis Techniques on Multiband Impedance Matching Networks for Frequency-Dependent Complex Loads." IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol.66, No. 10, pp.4507-4519, Oct, 2018. (SCI)

[2]Yun Liu, Shuai Jiang, Shuang Zhu, Yubo Tian, Yongle Wu, Large Frequency-ratio Dual-band and Broad Dual-band Parallel-Line Couplers, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 121-131, Jan, 2018. (SCI)

[3]Yun Liu, Yongjiu Zhao, Shaobin Liu, Yonggang Zhou and Yao Chen,"Multi-frequency Impedance Transformers for Frequency-dependent Complex Loads", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Technology, vol.61,no.9, pp:3225-3235,2013.(SCI)

[4]Jiang S, Liu Y, Chen Y, et al. Synthesis of Multi-band Bandpass Filters Using Semi-hidden Multi-mode Coupling Elements[J]. Ieice Electronics Express, 2017, 14(4).

[5]Xiyang Miao, Yun Liu*,Cheng Wan, A novel dual-band power divider using symmetric stepped- impedance inverters. IEICE Electronics Express,Vol.12,No.22,pp:1-8,Dec,2015.

[6]Yun Liu, Yubo Tian, Yao Chen and Chenwei Cui, Synthesis of lumped dual-frequency impedance transformers for complex loads using inverters, Microelectronics Journal, vol.46,pp:674-678, 2015. (SCI)

[7]Liu Y, Chen Y, Miao X, et al. Synthesis method of lumped dual–band filters with controllable bandwidths[J]. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 2015, 25(1): 75-80. (SCI)

[8]Cui C, Liu Y. Quad-band bandpass filter design by embedding dual-band bandpass filter with dual-mode notch elements[J]. Electronics Letters, 2014, 50(23): 1719-1720.(SCI)

[9]Yun Liu, Ralph Levy and Yao Chen, “Optimal Dual-band Impedance Transformers with Wide Bandwidths for Frequency Dependent Complex Loads”, 2013 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle,USA.

[10] Y. Liu, Y.J. Zhao, Y.G. Zhou, “Lumped dual-frequency impedance transformers for frequency-dependent complex loads”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 126, 121-138, 2012.(SCI)

[11] Yun Liu, Yongjiu Zhao, Mengmeng Cui and Hongfu Meng, “A novel tri-band filter realization via band-splitting technique”, IEICE Electron. Express, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp.718-723, (2012) .(SCI)

[12] Y. Liu, Y. Chen, Y.J Zhao, “Lumped Triple-frequency Impedance Transformers”, IET Electronics Letters.,Vol.48,No.19,2012.(SCI)

[13] Y. Liu, Y.J. Zhao, Y.G. Zhou, Z.Y. Niu, “Integrated dual-band BPF and single-band BSF for tri-band filter design”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, volume 25, no. 17/18, page 2420-2428, 2011.(SCI) 

[14] Y. Liu, W.B. Dou and Y.J. Zhao, “A tri-band bandpass filter realized using tri-mode T-shape branches”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, Vol 105, pp.425-444,2010.(SCI)

[15] Yun Liu, Wenbin Dou, “A dual-band filter realized by alternately connecting the main transmission-line with shunt stubs and shunt serial resonators”, IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 19, no. 5, pp296-298, May. 2009.(SCI)

[16] Yun Liu, Wenbin Dou, “Miniature dual-band filters using integrated bandpass and bandstop filters for wide bandwidths”, IEICE Electronics Express, vol.6, no.10, 618-622, May, 2009. (SCI)

[17] Y. Liu, W.b. Dou, “Mutually-tapped coupling between combline resonator pairs for ultra-wideband (UWB) filter realization”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.23, no.8/9, pp1165-1172, Aug, 2009.(SCI) 

[18] 刘云,赵永久,“高端锐截止的短截线超宽带滤波器”,微波学报,2011, 27(4):pp42-44。

[19] Yun Liu, Yongjiu Zhao, Wenbin Dou and Bing Liu “A suspended stripline dual-band filter using interdigital-coupled resonator pairs”, China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, 2011, Hangzhou.(EI)

[20] Yun Liu, Li Yu, Wenbin Dou, “A novel tuning structure for microwave bandstop filter”, IEEE MTTS International Microwave Symposium, 2006. San Francisco, USA. (EI)

[21] Liu Yun, Qian Jian,Tian Yubo. “Succinct formulas for decomposition of complex refraction angle”, IEEE APS International Symposium, 2003, Ohio, USA. (EI)


《通信系统微波滤波器——基础、设计与应用》,电子工业出版社,2012.第3,4章。 原作者:(英)Richard J. Cameron(理查德 J. 卡梅伦) (加) Chandra M. Kudsia(钱德拉 M. 库德赛) (加) Raafat R. Mansour(拉费特 曼索)





