刘思峰(Distinguished Professor)
  • 学位:工学博士学位
  • 职称:教授
  • 所在单位:经济与管理学院
教师英文名称:Sifeng Liu
职务:Distinguished Professor
联系方式:sfliu@nuaa.edu.cn 025-84892700
主要任职:Director of Institute for Grey Systems Studies
毕业院校:Huazhong University of Science and Technology
学术荣誉: 2010当选:国家级教学团队 2020当选:国家级教学名师


  • 周德群
  • 菅利荣
  • 楚岩枫


  • 胡明礼
  • 方志耕

刘思峰,男,曾就读于河南大学(基础数学)、山东大学(应用数学,进修)和华中科技大学(数量经济学、系统工程),工学博士。现任南京航空航天大学特聘教授、博士生导师、灰色系统研究所所长。是南航管理科学与工程一级学科博士点申报和建设的首席学科带头人。2001-2012年任经济与管理学院院长, 1994年在河南农业大学破格晋升教授。2014-2016年任英国De Montfort大学特聘研究教授。曾赴美国宾州州立SR大学、纽约理工大学、英国De Montfort大学和澳大利亚悉尼大学任访问教授。

主要从事“灰色系统理论”和“复杂装备研制管理”等领域的教学和研究工作。主持国家重大、重点课题和国际合作项目多项;发表论文800多篇,其中SCI, SSCI收录论文185篇(JCR一区论文92篇);出版著作32种,在美、英、德、罗、新等国出版不同语种的外文著作12种;文献被国内外学者引用4.18万次。入选斯坦福大学研究组发布的全球Top 2%科学家榜单和百度学术系统科学领域百名高被引作者榜第一名, H-指数 91。以第一完成人获省部级科技成果奖21项,其中一等奖7项,二等奖12项;2018年获国家级教学成果二等奖。主持完成国家一流课程、国家精品课程、国家精品资源共享课程、国家精品在线开放课程、国家精品教材和“十一五”“十二五”国家规划教材16项。

担任灰色系统与不确定性分析国际联合会主席、IEEE灰色系统委员会主席、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副监事长、复杂装备研制管理专业委员会理事长、灰色系统专业委员会名誉理事长、中国科协决策咨询专家和南京市人民政府决策咨询委员等职务。曾任中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副理事长(2005-2014)、国家自然科学基金委员会第十二届、十三届专家评审组成员、国家教育部管理科学与工程学科教学指导委员会委员(2001-2014)等。担任Grey Systems: Theory and ApplicationThe Journal of Grey System主编以及中文(科学出版社)英文(Springer-Nature)《灰色系统丛书》主编。

入选国家重大人才计划长期项目和欧盟居里夫人国际人才计划。曾被评为“全国优秀科技工作者”“全国优秀教师”“全国留学回国先进个人”“国家有突出贡献的中青年专家”和“国家级教学名师”等。2008年当选系统与控制世界组织Honorary Fellow。2013年入选欧盟玛丽·居里国际人才计划Fellow。2017年被评为居里夫人计划学者 10位“promising scientists”,是该计划实施以来首位获奖的中国学者。

Professor Sifeng Liu, PhD., Distinguished professor of NUAA, SM IEEE, Honorary Fellow of WOSC, and Advanced  Fellow of Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships of the European Union.

Sifeng Liu received his PhD in systems engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, in 1998. Prof.  Liu is serving as the founding director of Institute for Grey Systems Studies at NUAA, the founding president of International Association of Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis,  the founding president of Grey System Society of China. Prof. Liu is also serving as the founding Editor of Grey Systems Theory and Application (Emerald) and the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Grey Systems(Research Information), at the same time, he is currently serving as the editor of Series on Grey System in Chinese (by Science Press) and in English (by Springer-Nature) respectively .  His literatures were cited more than 41.8 thousands. He has listed in Top 2% scientists of the world in Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing (at Top 0.7%) by Stanford University. And ranking first in the list of 100 highly cited authors in the field of system science, with H index of 91 by Baidu Scholar.  His book, Grey System Theory and Its Applications, which published by Science Press, is identified as the No.1 top sited books in the pandect of natural science of China.

Prof. Liu’s main research activities are in grey system theory and applications. He has directed more than 60 research projects from China, UK, UN, and EU etc. He has published over 800 research papers and 32 books by Science Press, Springer-Verlag, Taylor & Francis Group, and John Wiley & Sons, Inc..   Dr. Liu has won several accolades such as the “National Excellent Scientist”,  “National Excellent Teacher”, “National Advanced Individual for Returnee”, and  the Famous Teacher of China, etc.   In 2017, Professor Sifeng Liu has been selected to be one of the top 10 shortlisted promising scientists in the MSCA 2017 Prizes award.
