Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Journal:Int. J. Aerosp. Eng.
Abstract:To improve simulations of the flame and pressure wave propagation process and investigate the combustion characteristics of a wave rotor combustor (WRC), direct relation graphs with error propagation (DRGEP), quasi-steady-state assumption (QSSA), and sensitivity analysis were used to establish a reduced reaction mechanism comprised of 23 species and 55 elementary reactions, based on the LLNL N-Butane mechanism. The reduced reaction mechanism of ethylene was combined with an eddy dissipation concept (EDC) model to simulate the flame propagation characteristics in a simplified WRC channel. The effects of spoilers with different blockage ratios and hot-jets of different species on combustion characteristics of flame propagation and pressure rise in the WRC channel were investigated. When the heated inert air was used as hot-jet, the ignition delay time of WRC would increase, which indicated that the activity of the burned gas from the hot-jet igniter would affect the ignition delay time. The spoiler facilitates the coupling of flame and shock waves to reduce the coupling time and distance. With the blockage ratio of the spoiler increasing, the coupling time and distance would be reduced. © 2018 Jianzhong Li et al.
ISSN No.:1687-5966
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-01-01
Co-author:Yuan, Li,Wen Liwei,Zhang, Kaichen
Correspondence Author:Li Jianzhong
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Thermal Engineering. Engineering Thermophysics. Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
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