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Experimental Investigation on Flame Formation and Propagation Characteristics in an Ethylene Fuelled Wave Rotor Combustor

Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院


Abstract:To find the flame formation and propagation characteristics in an ethylene fuelled wave rotor combustor (WRC), a simplified WRC test system was established. It is a single-channel multiple-cycle WRC with a rotating inlet/outlet port. Through varying the parameters such as the filling speed of the air-fuel mixture, rotating speed of the inlet/outlet port, and equivalence ratio of the combustive air-fuel mixture, the flame formation and propagation characteristics in an ethylene fuelled WRC are presented and discussed. While the rotating speed of the inlet/outlet port increases, the propagation speed of the flame also gradually increases. When the rotating speed of the inlet/outlet port is 1500 rpm, the propagation speed of the flame reaches 45 m/s. A higher rotating speed of the inlet/outlet port leads to a faster expansion of the reaction zone. Furthermore, the inclination angle and corrugation of the flame front in the channel of the WRC with a different rotating speed and different equivalence ratio are presented and discussed.

ISSN No.:0887-0624

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-02-01

Co-author:Gong, Erlei,Yuan, Li,Wen Liwei,Zhang, Kaichen

Correspondence Author:Li Jianzhong

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学

Education Level:南京航空航天大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Discipline:Thermal Engineering. Engineering Thermophysics. Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering


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