Xiao Liu
Lecturer Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:莫斯科国立大学
Education Level:莫斯科国立大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Literature
School/Department:College of Foreign Languages
Discipline:English Language and Literature
Business Address:外国语学院楼
2012.9 -- 2016.3
莫斯科国立大学  英语语言学  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study  Doctoral Degree in Literature
2009.9 -- 2012.6
中国海洋大学  英语语言文学  With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates  Master's Degree in Literature
2005.9 -- 2009.6
中国海洋大学  英语  University graduated  Bachelor's Degree in Literature
2002.8 -- 2005.6
禹城市第一中学  普通高中毕业  无学位
主要研究方向包括(1) 英汉认知对比,侧重通过比较英汉字词、语义和句法方面的不同来揭示英汉民族思维方式的差异; (2) 区域国别研究:围绕巴尔干地区的语言文化展开研究,聚焦人类命运共同体理念在该地区的传播与认同;(3)学术英语教学研究,将语言学理论应用于学术英语教学,尤其关注通过隐喻研究来理解师生之间的关系和教师身份的建构。
l 2021.《英汉情感隐喻中的自然意象认知对比研究》,中国海洋大学出版社.
l 《A Brief Guide to identifying Chinese Plants—Northeast China》 New Classic Press
l 2023. 汉语 “根”和英语“root” 意义识解中的时空作用比较研究,南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版),已录用。
l 2022. Space-Time Cognition Contrast between English and Chinese Reflected Through Plant Metaphor
Translation》 Journal of Literature Arts and Studies 12(12):92-103 .
l 2022. Reasons for Chinese EFL Teacher’s Role Anxiety in Teacher Identity Formation: A Comparative Analysis of Teacher Metaphors》 Arab World English Journal 12(4)/38-52
l 2021. The Low Co-occurrence of Nominalization and Hedging in Scientific Papers Written by Chinese EFL Learners, Arab World English Journal, 12(01): 401-420.
l 2021. 工程项目管理在MTI教学资源优化配置中的应用, 教育教学论坛,2021(48):49-52.
l 2020. Towards a Model for Creating an English- Chinese Termbase in Civil Aviation, TOTh 2019, 177-195.
l 2020. A Citespace Analysis of International Studies on “Belt&Road Initiative” (2013—2019), Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, (02): 1-16.
l 2019. Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis of “Root”Metaphor Translation in Dream of the Red Mansion. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, (09):164-174.
l 2016.史诗贝尔武夫中的水隐喻分析. 海外英语, (04):186-188.
l 2016. 弗吉尼亚沃尔夫小说中“金意象”隐喻的认知分析. 海外英语, (03):200-202.
l 2015. Метафорика Стихий в Беовульфе/Poetic Metaphors in ‘Beowulf’. Филологические науки. Вопросы Теории и Практики/Philological Sciences—Theories and Practice,01(43): 133-135.
l 2015. Метафора и Корпус/Metaphor and Corpus. Гуманитарные,Социально-Экономические и Общественные Науки/ Humanities Socio-Economical Sciences, (1): 16-26.
l 2015. Английские метафоры с компонентом «природа» в свете концепции У-Син /English metaphors with the component “Nature” in the light of Wŭ Xíng. Язык, сознание, коммуникация/Language Cognition and Communication, (51): 15-40.
l 2015. Английские метафоры с компонентом«любовь» как отражение национального менталитета/English metaphors with the component “love” as a reflection of national character. Язык, сознание, коммуникация/Language Cognition and Communication, (52): 26-39.