Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
Paper Publications
Yi Jin. Ignition and Lean Blowout Characteristics of a Reverse-Flow Combustor for an Ultra-Compact Gas Turbine Engine.Journal of Thermal Science.2024,33(5):1897-1906
Jin Yi. Experimental investigations on flow field and combustion characteristics of a model trapped vortex combustor.Applied Energy.2014,2014(134):257-269
Jin Yi. effect of cavity-injector/raidal-strut relative position on performance of a trapped vortex combustor.Aerospace Science and Technology.2014,2014(32):10-18
Kai Zhang. Very-Large-Eddy Simulation of Nonreactive Turbulent Flow for Annular Trapped Vortex Combustor.Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics.2022,15(2):523-535
Jin Yi. Numerical investigation on cold flow structure of a laboratory-scale trapped vortex combustor.Applied Thermal Engineering,2014(66):318-327