  • Wu Jin
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering. Engineering Thermophysics. Power Machinery and Engineering
  • College of Energy and Power Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2022.7Now

    南京航空航天大学      能源与动力学院      副教授

  • 2018.92022.6

    南京航空航天大学      能源与动力学院      讲师


Personal Information

长期从事湍流火焰基础理论、燃烧诊断识别与智能调控方法研究,入选第九届中国科协青年人才托举工程、江苏省“双创博士”人才计划,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目(结题获评“优秀”、国家重大科技专项子课题,先进航空动力创新工作站项目等国家级项目多项。在Combustion and flame(一区,IF 5.767)、Fuel(一区,IF 8.035)等行业顶级期刊上发表SCI论文24篇;授权发明专利12项,其中第一发明人6项;获国防科技进步二等奖1项。被聘为SCI期刊Energies专题主编、《推进技术》青年编委、中国能源学会专家委员会能源装备组委员。




团队负责人:李建中 教授



1. 基于多特征融合和深度学习的诊断识别

2. 多物理场复杂体系表征方法

3. 新型高效增压燃烧技术(内燃波转子、爆震等)

4. 高油气比分区燃烧组织方法与规律研究

5. 贫油直接喷射低排放燃烧技术


  1. Wu Jin*, Scott A. Steinmetz, Mrinal Juddoo, Matthew J. Dunn, Zuohua Huang, Assaad R. Masri. Effects of shear inhomogeneities on the structure of turbulent premixed flames. Combustion and Flame. 2019, 208:63-78.

  2. GeyuanYin, YunZhao, BoXiao. WuJin*, ErjiangHu*, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and model investigation of the low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of 2-methyl-2-butene in a jet-stirred reactor. Combustion and Flame 242 (2022) 112174.

  3. Wu Jin*, Chaoqun Ren, Jianzhong Li*, Jinhua Wang, Yisheng Yan. Experimental study on characteristics of CH4/H2 oxy-fuel turbulent premixed flames. Fuel, 2022, 310.

  4. Wu Jin, Chaowei Tang, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang*, Jianzhong Li, Zuohua Huang. Theoretical kinetics of hydrogen abstraction and hydroperoxyl addition reactions of 3-hexene by hydroperoxyl radicals. Fuel, 2020, 277.

  5. Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Yaohui Nie, Senbin Yu and Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on flame instabilities of laminar premixed CH4/H2/air non-adiabatic flat flames. Fuel. 2015, 159: 599-606.

  6. Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Senbin Yu, Yaohui Nie, Yongliang Xie, and Zuohua Huang. Cellular instabilities of non-adiabatic laminar flat methane/hydrogen oxy-fuel flames highly diluted with CO2. Fuel. 2015, 143(0): 38-46.

  7. Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang*, Weijie Zhang, Xiao Cai, Yaohui Nie, Zuohua Huang. Combustion Science and Technology. 2018, 190(5): 803-822. Investigation of the heat loss effect on cellular flames via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. Combustion Science and Technology, 2018. 190(5): 803-822.

  8. Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Senbin Yu, Zuohua Huang. Thermal-diffusive instabilities of laminar premixed CH4/H2/air flat flames. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Beijing, China. July 19-22, 2015.

  9. Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Yaohui Nie, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on effect of thermal-diffusive instability on turbulent combustion via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. 8th International Conference on Vortex Flow Mechanics. Xi’an, China. October 15-18, 2018.

  • Gender:Male
  • Alma Mater:西安交通大学
  • Education Level:西安交通大学
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Business Address:A10-434
  • Contact Information:wjin83@nuaa.edu.cn
  • E-Mail:
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