Researcher   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Automation Engineering

Discipline:Electrical Power System and Automation. High Voltage and Electrical Insulation Engineering

Business Address:电气楼414室

Contact Information:jiangjun0628#nuaa.edu.cn(联系时将#替换为@)

Paper Publications

Multi-gas detection in power transformer oil based on tunable diode laser absorption spectrum


Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院

Journal:IEEE Trans Dielectr Electr Insul

Abstract:Online dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is an effective technique to obtain the health status information of insulation oil in power transformers. The typical hydrocarbon gases (methane, ethyne, ethene, ethane) decomposed from insulation oil, are the key indicators to diagnose the fault type and severity. To realize contactless and field measurement, a multi-gas detection system based on tunable diode laser absorption spectrum (TDLAS) is proposed in this paper. Critical technique problems on the light source, long path gas cell, and the topology for multi-gas detection are investigated. Individual central wavelengths of hydrocarbon gases are set at as 1653.72 nm for methane, 1530.37 nm for ethyne, 1620.04 nm for ethene and 1679.06 nm for ethane in the near infrared band. A 10.13 m long multi-pass gas cell is developed with the advantage of anti-vibration design. To share the optical absorption path, an optical switch is adopted to merge the multi-gas detection system. The high sensitivity of the TDLAS multi-gas detection system was demonstrated in the laboratory calibrations, with ethyne detection reaching sub-parts per million level, and the other hydrocarbon gases achieving ppm level. Furthermore, the comparison detection in the real 220 kV power transformer gave evidence to the effective monitoring of DGA, proving it an alternative approach to online detection of multiple gases in power transformer oil. © 1994-2012 IEEE.

ISSN No.:1070-9878

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-02-01

Co-author:Wang, Zhuowei,Han, Xiao,Xiaohong Zhan,Zhang Charles,Ma, Guoming,Li, Chengrong,Luo, Yingting

Correspondence Author:Jun JIANG

Pre One:Dynamic Fault Prediction of Power Transformers Based on Hidden Markov Model of Dissolved Gases Analysis

Next One:江 军,吴雪瑞,赵晓林,张晓琴,朱洪斌,张潮海*. 基于光纤S锥的电力变压器油中微水传感研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2021. (重要核心期刊)


       专聘研究员,博导/硕导,南京航空航天大学长空学者,每年招收电气工程硕士研究生和博士研究生。目前主要从事电力装备状态监测与故障诊断、航空航天电气系统故障检测、电力电子高频绝缘等方面的研究,具体工作包括:电力变压器/电力电缆/GIS新型传感研究、多电/全电飞机电气故障检测、电力电子高频绝缘损伤机理等。IEEE Senior Member、Cigre Member、中国电机工程学会高级会员、中国电工技术学会高级会员、Cigre JWG D1/A2.77、Cigre WG B3/A3.60工作组成员等。已发表学术论文60余篇,SCI检索论文50余篇;参与编写国家标准1项、行业标准1项;授权国际专利2项(美国)、国家发明专利25项,高质量转化专利成果3项;获得中国电工技术学会科技进步一等奖1项、中国电工技术学会科技进步二等奖1项等科技奖励


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