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    • 教授 博士生导师
    • 招生学科专业:
      动力工程及工程热物理 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 能源与动力学院
      航空宇航科学与技术 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 能源与动力学院
      能源动力 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 能源与动力学院
    • 毕业院校:南京航空航天大学
    • 学历:南京航空航天大学
    • 学位:工学博士学位
    • 所在单位:能源与动力学院
    • 联系方式:xhhuang@nuaa.edu.cn
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    A flight experimental platform for synchrophasing control based on a small propeller UAV



    发表刊物:Sci. China Technol. Sci.

    摘要:Turboprop engine has the advantages of high efficiency and high thrust, but it has not been widely used in the civil field because of the noise excited by the low speed propellers. Propeller synchrophasing control is an active noise control method without increasing the weight of the airframe, which can attenuate the noise level in the cabin by controlling the relative phase among multiple propellers. It is generally accepted that altitude and airspeed have a great influence on the noise reduction effect of propeller synchrophasing, but there is no theoretical research about how these two factors affect the noise level. Therefore, flight experiment is considered to be a credible way. However, flight experiments of propeller synchrophasing control in turboprop aircraft have been accomplished in few countries due to enormous cost and inconvenience. An experimental platform of synchrophasing control based on a two-propeller small unmanned air vehicle (UAV) is proposed which can carry out the flight experiment research in a low-cost way. The phase angle sensor, the FOC-based scheme of motor driving, the all-slave synchrophasing control and the coordination between speed and phase difference control are presented in the UAV platform to meet its synchrophasing control precision requirement, experimental results prove that all of them can significantly enhance the performance of synchrophasing control. Noise characteristics of propellers are studied in the flight experiments, the noise predicted by the noise model is highly consistent with the actual measured noise, which verifies that the noise characteristics of small UAV accord with propeller signature theory. Based on the noise model, propeller synchrophasing has a steady effect to minimizing noise in the UAV platform. These show that the UAV platform is a feasible solution for propeller synchrophasing research. © 2018, Science in China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.




