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Personal Information胡志猛,理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。江苏省“双创计划”双创博士,南京航空航天大学“长空学者计划”长空之星,欧洲核子中心先进气体探测器合作组成员。主要开展中子探测技术、微结构探测器研制、聚变等离子体中子诊断等核辐射探测领域的应用基础研究工作。承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目(ITER计划项目,NQI重点专项)、欧洲核聚变项目、科技部外专项目等;在Applied Physics Letters、Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Section A等期刊发表SCI学术论文50余篇;申请国家发明专利17项,已授权7项;参加国家计量技术规范制修订项目1项(热中子注量率计量器具检定系统,2024-2025);担任国家自然科学基金评审专家,北京市自然科学基金评审专家,中国核工业教育学会中子科学创新人才分会委员。承担核科学与技术系本科生专业基础课程《电离辐射探测学》,本科生导论课《核工程类专业导论》,研究生课程《现代辐射探测与分析》的教学工作。指导学生获中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国赛金奖1项,指导本科生获全国高校学生课外"核+X"创意大赛三等奖1项,指导省级和校级大学生创新训练项目各1项。主要学术论文:B.S. Zhou, Z.M. Hu*, M.C Zhong, P. Gong, G.Q. Zhong, B. Shi, J. Chen, G. Gorini, M. Nocente, T.S. Fan, X.B. Tang. Bayesian Neural Networks for the Neutron Spectrum Unfolding in the EAST Tokamak. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2025.L.J. Hou, P. Xu*, Z.M. Hu*, J. Cheng. A high-accuracy particle-type labeling method for organic scintillator pulse waveform datasets. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2025.Y.B. Sun, Z.M. Hu*, H. Zhang, P. Gong, G.Q. Zhong, L.Q. Hu, G. Gorini, G. Croci, X.B. Tang*. Investigation of the Performance Degradation of 4H-SiC Neutron Detectors Using MCNP and TCAD. IEEE Sensors Journal,2024, 24:4432.P.X. Wang, Z.M. Hu*, X.C. Ma, P. Gong, G.Q. Zhong, G. Gorini, B.L. Chen, X.B. Tang*. Design of a compact long counter with an improved response using multiple point-like thermal neutron counters.The European Physical Journal Plus,2023,138:419Z.M. Hu, A. Muraro, G. Gorini, O. McCormack, E. Perelli Cippo, M. Tardocchi, Z.J. Sun*, X.J. Zhou, J.R. Zhou*, Y.G. Xie, Y.B. Chen, H. Zhang*, T.S. Fan, G. Croci*. Investigation on the performance of a thick ceramic gas electron multiplier. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1034 (2022) 166824.Z.M. Hu*, A. Muraro, G. Croci*, O. McCormack, E. Perelli Cippo, M. Tardocchi, X.J. Zhou, Z.J. Sun*, J.R. Zhou*, Y.G. Xie, Y.B. Chen, T.S. Fan, G. Gorini. Interpretation of effective gain variations with the drift electric field for a ceramic thick gas electron multiplier. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 988 (2021) 164907.Z.M. Hu*, Y.H. Zheng, T.S. Fan*, Z.Q. Cui, J. Chen, H. Zhang, G. Gorini, Q. Zhao. Experimental evaluation of the Geant4-calculated response functions of a Bonner sphere spectrometer on monoenergetic neutron sources. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 965 (2020) 163836.Z.M. Hu, L.J. Ge, J.Q. Sun, Y.M. Zhang, T.F. Du, X.Y. Peng, J. Chen, H. Zhang, M. Nocente, M. Rebai, G. Croci, M. Tardocchi, G. Gorini, L.Q. Hu, G.Q. Zhong, R.J. Zhou, J.X. Chen, X.Q. Li, T.S. Fan*. An active Bonner sphere spectrometer capable of intense neutron field measurement. Applied Physics Letters 114 (2019) 233502.Z.M. Hu, L.J. Ge, J.Q. Sun, Y.M. Zhang, Z.Q. Cui, G. Gorini, H. Zhang, J. Chen, J.X. Chen, X.Q. Li, T.S. Fan*. Measurements of cosmic ray induced background neutrons near the ground using a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 940 (2019) 78-82.Z.M. Hu, X.Y. Peng, Z.J. Chen, T.F. Du, L.J. Ge, X. Yuan, Z.Q. Cui, W.J. Zhu, Z.M. Wang, X. Zhu, J.X. Chen, X.Q. Li, G.H. Zhang, J. Chen, H. Zhang, G. Gorini, T.S. Fan*. Experimental characterization of a long counter for neutron fluence measurement. Radiation Measurements, 119 (2018) 16-21.Z.M. Hu, G.Q. Zhong, L.J. Ge, T.F. Du, X.Y. Peng, Z.J. Chen, X.F. Xie, X. Yuan, Y.M. Zhang, J.Q. Sun, T.S. Fan*, R.J. Zhou, M. Xiao, K. Li, L.Q. Hu, J. Chen, H. Zhang, G. Gorini, M. Nocente, M. Tardocchi, X.Q. Li, J.X. Chen, G.H. Zhang. Neutron field measurement at the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak using a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 895 (2018) 100-106.Z.M. Hu, Z.J. Chen, X.Y. Peng, T.F. Du, Z.Q. Cui, L.J. Ge, W.J. Zhu, Z.M. Wang, X. Zhu, J.X. Chen, G.H. Zhang, X.Q. Li, J. Chen, H. Zhang, G.Q. Zhong, L.Q. Hu, B.N. Wan, G. Gorini, T.S. Fan*. Experimental determination of the response functions of a Bonner sphere spectrometer to monoenergetic neutrons. Journal of Instrumentation, 12 (2017) T06002.Z.M. Hu, X.F. Xie, Z.J. Chen, X.Y. Peng, T.F. Du, Z.Q. Cui, L.J. Ge, T. Li, X. Yuan, X. Zhang, L.Q. Hu, G.Q. Zhong, S. Y. Lin, B.N. Wan, G. Gorini, X.Q. Li, G.H. Zhang, J.X. Chen, T.S. Fan*. Monte Carlo simulation of a Bonner sphere spectrometer for application to the determination of neutron field in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak experimental hall. Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 11E417 (2014).主要科研项目:[1]国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持.[2]国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持.[3]江苏省国际科技合作计划项目,主持.[4]国防科技重点实验室基金,主持.[5]国防科技重点实验室基金,主持.[6]国家外国专家局外专项目,主持.[7]国家外国专家局外专项目,主持.[8]中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,主持.[9]中央高校基本科研业务费-国际(地区)科研合作伙伴培育基金项目,主持.[10]中国核动力研究设计院横向课题,主持.[11]国家重点研发计划“国家质量基础的共性技术研究与应用重点专项”,子课题主持.[12]欧洲核聚变项目,参与.[13]国家重点研发计划“国家磁约束聚变能发展研究专项”,参与.