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Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
yqm. A miniaturized high-selectivity frequency selective rasorber based on subwavelength resonance and interdigital resonator .IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. .2019
lsb. High-gain Wideband Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna Based on Single-layer FSS Structure .Appl Comput Electromagn Soc J .2019
Zhengyu Huang. A novel FDTD cells generation technology and MATLAB-GUI implementation .2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium .2019
Zhengyu Huang. The 3-D Unconditionally Stable Associated Hermite Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION .2020
Zhengyu Huang. A Theoretical Extension of AH FDTD Method and Applications in Various Physical Fields .IEEE JOURNAL ON MULTISCALE AND MULTIPHYSICS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES .2019
Zhengyu Huang. A Theoretical Extension of AH FDTD Method and Applications in Various Physical Fields
时域分段并行CS FDTD电磁数值计算方法、装置
基于Associated Hermite 正交基函数的无条件稳定FDTD算法
一种实现AH FDTD算法按阶并行求解的方法
Published Books
The Orthogonal Expansion in Time-Domain Method for Solving Maxwell Equations Using Paralleling-in-Order Scheme
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Zhengyu Huang
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