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教授 博士生导师
机械工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 机电学院
航空宇航科学与技术 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 机电学院
机械 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 机电学院
1. Chengzuan Gao, Feng Xu*, Xianqing Shi, Siguang Yi, Qian Zhou, Wenxuan Zhao, Yanchao Zhao, Dunwen Zuo. Effects of carbon doping on microstructure, electrochemical and tribo-corrosion performances of biocompatible TiZrNbTaMoCxNy coatings[J]. Ceramics International, 2024, 50(6):9380-9390
2. Ji Xu, Feng Xu*, Chenxukun Lou, Liping Zhang, Hun Guo, Dunwen Zuo. An image fusion-based method for recovering the 3D shape of roll surface defects[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35(2):025404
3. Yezhang Ding, Duosheng Li, Feng Xu*, Wenchang Lang, Qing H. Qin, Zhiguo Ye, Junhong Liu, Xin Wen. The microstructure evolution of graphene in nanoindentation G/WC-Co based on molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2024, 141: 110729
4. Qian Zhou, Feng Xu*, Chengzuan Gao, Dan Zhang, Xianqing Shi, Muk-Fung Yuen, Dunwen Zuo. Machine learning-assisted mechanical property prediction and descriptor-property correlation analysis of high-entropy ceramics[J], Ceramics International, 2023, 49(4) : 5760-5769
5. Shuai Tian, Feng Xu*, Zhenyu Ma, Qian Zhou, Yanchao Zhao, Zheng Li, Dong Wang, Guang Zeng, Dunwen Zuo. Effect of the modulation periods on the mechanical and tribological properties of cBN/NCD multilayer composite coating[J], Diamond and Related Materials, 2023, 132, 109628
6. Liping Zhang, Feng Xu*, Yu Liu, Dan Zhang, Liang Gui, Dunwen Zuo. A Posture Detection Method for Augmented Reality Aided Assembly Based on YOLO-6D[J], The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023,125:3385-3399
7. XU Ji, ZHANG Liping, LI Lu, XU Feng*, GUO Hun, CHAO Haitao, ZUO Dunwen. An Assembly Man-Hour Estimation Model Based on GA-SVM for Multi-specification and Small-Batch Production[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2023, 40(4):500-510
8. 丁业章, 叶寅, 李多生*, 徐锋*, 朗文昌, 刘俊红, 温鑫. WC-Co硬质合金表面石墨烯沉积生长分子动力学仿真研究[J], 物理学报, 2023, 72(6): 068703
9. Shuo Sun, Feng Xu*, Lili Shi, Shengji Zhou, Yanchao Zhao, Chengzuan Gao, Dunwen Zuo. Lapping performance of diamond cone array tool prepared by double bias assisted HFCVD[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31:103564.
10. Yanchao Zhao, Feng Xu*, Dan Zhang, Ji Xu, Xianqing Shi, Shuo Sun,Wenxuan Zhao, Chengzuan Gao, Dunwen Zuo. Enhanced tribological and corrosion properties of DLC/CrN multilayer films deposited by HPPMS[J]. Ceramics International, 2022,48(17): 25569-25577.
11. Yanchao Zhao, Feng Xu* Ji Xu, Duosheng Li*, Shuo Sun, Chengzuan Gao, Wenxuan Zhao, Wenchang Lang, Junhong Liu, Dunwen Zuo. Effect of the bias-graded increment on the tribological and electrochemical corrosion properties of DLC films[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2022, 130: 109421
12. 刘宇,徐锋*,张丹,阮桥,左敦稳. 基于增强现实的装配引导技术综述[J]. 金属加工(冷加工), 2021(09):5-8.
13. 王少伟,徐锋*,晁海涛,刘宇,左敦稳. 基于支持向量机的纺织热轧机故障分类的研究[J]. 现代制造工程. 2021,(06):116-121
14. 贾昆鹏, 王雪, 徐锋*, 施莉莉, 赵延超, 左敦稳. 调制比对HiPIMS制备多层DLC薄膜耐腐蚀性能的影响[J].中国表面工程, 2021,34(02):35-40.
15. 王雪, 程磊, 徐锋*, 贾昆鹏, 左敦稳. 基于Comsol的矩形磁控溅射靶磁场模拟与分析[J]. 机械制造与自动化,2021,50(01):96-98.
16. Lili Shi, Feng Xu*, Jiye Gao, Mukfung Yuen, Shuo Sun, Ji Xu, Kunpeng Jia, Dunwen Zuo* Nanostructured boron-doped diamond electrode for degradation of the simulation wastewater of phenol[J]. Diamond & Related Materials, 2020, 109: 108098.
17. Shuai Tian, Feng Xu*, Shuo Sun, Yanchao Zhao, Xue Wang,Dunwen Zuo. Growth rate and surface free energy of diamond films using different gas-source[J]. Surface Engineering, 2020, 36(4): 379-385.
18. Luqiang Tu, Shuai Tian, Feng Xu*, Xue Wang, Chenhui Xu, Bin He, Dunwen Zuoa, Wenjun Zhang. Cutting performance of cubic boron nitride-coated tools in dry turning of hardened ductile iron[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 56A:158-168
19. 涂禄强,徐锋*,田帅,许晨辉,王雪,高继业,左敦稳. 立方氮化硼涂层刀具制备及切削性能研究现状[J] 机械制造与自动化,2020, (1):16-19
20. 许晨辉,徐锋*,施莉莉,等. 基于纳秒激光加工技术的表面织构工艺参数研究[J] , 机械制造与自动化,2019,(6):11-14
21. Luqiang Tu, Feng Xu*, Xue Wang, Jiye Gao, Shuai Tian, Muk-Fung Yuen, Kunpeng Jia, Dunwen Zuo. Temperature distribution of cubic boron nitride coated cutting tools by finite element analysis[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019, 105(7-8): 3197-3207 (SCI)
22. Jiye Gao, Feng Xu*, Zhenyu Ma, Lili Shi, Xue Wang, Dunwen Zuo. Adherent diamond coating deposited on Ti by ultrasonic after carbonization pretreatment[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, online, 2019
23. Shuai Tian, Feng Xu*, Shuo Sun, Yanchao Zhao, Xue Wang, Dunwen Zuo. Growth rate and surface free energy of diamond films using different gas-sources[J]. Surface Engineering. online, 2019
24. Chenhui Xu, Feng Xu*, Lili Shi, Jiye Gao, Luqiang Tu, Dunwen. Zuo. Enhancement of substrate-coating adherence of boron-doped diamond electrodes by nanosecond laser surface texturing pretreatment[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, 360: 196-204.
25. 李露,徐锋*,张超,吴金鑫,张丹,左敦稳. 基于CBR和BP神经网络的壳体零件制造工时定额技术研究[J], 机械制造与自动化,2019,(3):59-63
26. 晁海涛, 徐锋*, 许晨辉, 李露, 左敦稳. 复杂机电产品装配工时定额计算方法研究[J], 机械制造与自动化, 2019, (5):22-24
27. Shuai Tian, Feng Xu*, Peng Ye, Jinxin Wu, Yousheng Zou Dunwen Zuo. Deposition of cubic boron nitride films by anode layer linear ion source assisted radio frequency magnetron sputtering[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2018, 653(1): 13-18.
28. Peng Ye, Feng Xu*, JinxinWu, Shuai Tian, Xianrui Zhao, Xiaolong Tang, Dunwen Zuo. Effects of anode layer linear ion source on the microstructure and mechanical properties of amorphous carbon nitride films[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 320:183–189.
29. 唐晓龙, 徐锋*, 徐俊华, 叶鹏, 吴海兵, 左敦稳. 掺硼金刚石/硬质合金膜基结合和摩擦磨损性能的研究[J], 功能材料, 2016, 47(3): 181-185.
30. Haibing, Xu Feng*, Liu Zhaozhi, Zhou Chun, Lu Wenzhuang, Zuo Dunwen. Preparation of Large-Scale Double-Side BDD Electrodes and Their Electrochemical Performance[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, 32(6): 674-680.
31. Xu F*, Yuen MF, He B, Wang CD, Zhao XR, Tang XL, Zuo DW, Zhang WJ. Microstructure and tribological properties of cubic boron nitride films on Si3N4 inserts via boron-doped diamond buffer layers[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2014, 49: 9-13.
32. 徐俊华, 徐锋*, 刘召志, 赵先锐, 卢文壮, 左敦稳. 基于离子渗铌过渡层的金刚石刀具涂层结合性能研究[J]. 人工晶体学报, 2014, 43(10): 2522-2527.
33. Xu F*, Xu JH, Yuen MF, Zheng L, Lu WZ, Zuo DW. Adhesion improvement of diamond coatings on cemented carbide with high cobalt content using PVD interlayer[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2013: 70-75.
34. Xu Feng*, Hu Haifeng, Zuo Dunwen, et al. Numerical Analysis of Nd:YAG Pulsed Laser Polishing CVD Self-standing Diamond Film[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2013, 261: 121-127.
35. 周春, 徐锋*, 徐俊华, 卢文壮, 左敦稳. 气体法掺硼制备双面金刚石电极的研究[J]. 人工晶体学报, 2013, 422: 230-234.
36. 徐锋*, 左敦稳, 张旭辉, 等. 基于微纳米金刚石过渡层的cBN刀具涂层制备[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2013, 461: 43-48.
37. 庞存辰, 徐锋*, 左敦稳, 吴小军, 户海峰. 整体硬质合金旋转刀具的激光字符标识技术研究[J]. 中国机械工程, 2012, 2324: 2997-3001.
38. 徐锋*, 左敦稳, 张旭辉等. 偏压对磁控溅射沉积立方氮化硼薄膜的影响[J]. 人工晶体学报, 2012, 414: 853-857.