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Paper Publications
[31]dwf,dwf,Wang, Jingwei,Zhu, Yejun,xuweizheng,Yang, Changyong.Fracture mechanism of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride abrasive grains during single-grain gri...:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2018
[32]dwf,dwf,Zhao, Biao,Gain, Asit Kumar,Zhang, Liangchi,Li, Xianying,fyc.A review on metallic porous materials: pore formation, mechanical properties, and their applicati...:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2018
[33]dwf,dwf,Dai, Chenwei,Yu, Tianyu,xjh,fyc.Grinding performance of textured monolayer CBN wheels: Undeformed chip thickness nonuniformity mo...:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE,2017
[34]dwf,dwf,Xi, Xinxin,fyc,xjh.Grindability evaluation and tool wear during grinding of Ti2AlNb intermetallics:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2018
[35]dwf,dwf,Dai, Chen-Wei,Zhu, Ye-Jun,xjh,Yu, Hai-Wu.Grinding temperature and power consumption in high speed grinding of Inconel 718 nickel-based sup...:PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018
[36]dwf,dwf,Miao, Qing,Fu, Dengkui,Chen, Zhenzhen,fyc.Influence of graphite addition on bonding properties of abrasive layer of metal-bonded CBN wheel:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2017
[37]dwf,dwf,Zhao, Biao,Yu, Tianyu,Li, Xianying,shh.BP neural network based flexural strength prediction of open-porous Cu-SnTi composites:PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL,2018
[38]dwf,dwf,Liu, Chaojie,Yu, Tianyu,Yang, Changyong.Materials removal mechanism in high-speed grinding of particulate reinforced titanium matrix comp...:PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2018
[39]dwf,dwf,Dai, Chenwei,xjh,fyc,Yu, Tianyu.Influence of grain wear on material removal behavior during grinding nickel-based superalloy with...:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE,2017
[40]dwf,dwf,Zhu, Yejun,huangxin,shh,Huang, Guoqin.Understanding the residual stress distribution in brazed polycrystalline CBN abrasive grains:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2017
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