
- 招生学科专业:
电气工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
能源动力 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
- 毕业院校:东南大学
- 学历:东南大学
- 学位:工学博士学位
- 所在单位:自动化学院
- 电子邮箱:ac6a3a14f0b5d0dd6d6d924aae90e5f315279dd6826faef3354d2d9d6ef12e7c190b7cceaf882e822d06e3fac9aee96aaf2d380507607fca33cfc6cb7142739e58548c1fcfbb65bdbe3e37ba11c8a93f15a06cdcf586eb8da030ccbe7621a39a3a91288e0774b0e50d82278b059657426e4d29238ef0a00ebf715f37bd71e24c
[1] 曹瑞武,曹瑞武,Jin, Yi,Zhang, Zheng,Cheng, Ming.A New Double-Sided Linear Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor With Yokeless Mover for Electromagne:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION,2019
[2] 曹瑞武,曹瑞武,Jiang, Ning,Lu, Minghang,Zhang, Yanze,Cheng, Ming.Sliding-mode observer based sensorless vector control of LFSPM motor for long-distance drive system:IET Electr Power Appl,2019
[3] 曹瑞武,,Su, Enchao.New double-sided wound field flux-switching linear motor with non-overlapping winding:IEEE Int. Electric Mach. Drives Conf., IEMDC,2019
[4] 曹瑞武,曹瑞武,Lu, Minghang,Jiang, Ning,Cheng, Ming.Comparison between linear induction motor and linear flux-switching permanent-magnet motor for railw:IEEE Trans Ind Electron,2019
[5] 曹瑞武,曹瑞武,Yuan, Xinyi,Jin, Yi,Zhang, Zheng.MW-Class Stator Wound Field Flux-Switching Motor for Semidirect Drive Wind Power Generation System:IEEE Trans Ind Electron,2019
[6] Cao Ruiwu,.A New Double-Sided Linear Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Motor with Yokeless Mover for Electromagne.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion:Early Access
[7] Cao Ruiwu,.Quantitative Comparison of Linear Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor with Linear Induction Motor :IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2018,65(9):7569-7578
[8] Cao Ruiwu,.Speed Control of Complementary and Modular Linear Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Motor:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2015,62(7):4056 - 4064
[9] Cao Ruiwu,.Investigation and general design principle of a new series of complementary and modular linear FSPM .[J]:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2013,60(12):5436-5446
[10] Cao Ruiwu,.Influence of leading design parameters on the force performance of a complementary and modular linea.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2014,61(5):2165-2175
[11] Cao Ruiwu.Electric Drive System of Dual-Winding Fault-Tolerant Permanent-Magnet Motor for Aerospace Applicatio.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2015,62(12):7322-7330
[12] Cao Ruiwu,.Modeling of a Complementary and Modular Linear Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor for Urban Rail .[J]:IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion,2012,27(2)
[13] Cao Ruiwu,.SMO-based Sensorless Vector Control of LFSPM Motor for Long-distance Drive System.[J]:IET Electric Power Applications,2018
[14] Cao Ruiwu,.Comparison of complementary and modular linear flux-switching motors with different mover and stator.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2013,49(4):1493-1504
[15] Cao Ruiwu,.Quantitative comparison of flux-switching permanent magnet motors with interior permanent magnet mot.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2012,48(8):2374-2384
[16] Cao Ruiwu,.A linear doubly salient permanent magnet motor with modular and complementary structure:IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2011,47(12):4809-4821
[17] Cao Ruiwu,.A New Double-sided HTS Flux-switching Linear Motor with Series Magnet Circuit.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,2016,26(7)
[18] Cao Ruiwu,.Design and Comparison of Two Kinds of Primary Wound Field Flux-Switching Linear Motors:The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2017,37(1):333-356