Ruiwu Cao
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Paper Publications
[1]Ruiwu Cao,Ruiwu Cao,Jin, Yi,Zhang, Zheng,Cheng, Ming.A New Double-Sided Linear Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor With Yokeless Mover for Electroma...:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION,2019
[2]Ruiwu Cao,Ruiwu Cao,Jiang, Ning,Lu, Minghang,Zhang, Yanze,Cheng, Ming.Sliding-mode observer based sensorless vector control of LFSPM motor for long-distance drive syst...:IET Electr Power Appl,2019
[3]Ruiwu Cao,,Su, Enchao.New double-sided wound field flux-switching linear motor with non-overlapping winding:IEEE Int. Electric Mach. Drives Conf., IEMDC,2019
[4]Ruiwu Cao,Ruiwu Cao,Lu, Minghang,Jiang, Ning,Cheng, Ming.Comparison between linear induction motor and linear flux-switching permanent-magnet motor for ra...:IEEE Trans Ind Electron,2019
[5]Ruiwu Cao,Ruiwu Cao,Yuan, Xinyi,Jin, Yi,Zhang, Zheng.MW-Class Stator Wound Field Flux-Switching Motor for Semidirect Drive Wind Power Generation Syste...:IEEE Trans Ind Electron,2019
[6]Cao Ruiwu,.A New Double-Sided Linear Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Motor with Yokeless Mover for Electroma....[J]:IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion:Early Access
[7]Cao Ruiwu,.Quantitative Comparison of Linear Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor with Linear Induction Mot...:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2018,65(9):7569-7578
[8]Cao Ruiwu,.Speed Control of Complementary and Modular Linear Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Motor:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2015,62(7):4056 - 4064
[9]Cao Ruiwu,.Investigation and general design principle of a new series of complementary and modular linear FS....[J]:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2013,60(12):5436-5446
[10]Cao Ruiwu,.Influence of leading design parameters on the force performance of a complementary and modular li....[J]:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2014,61(5):2165-2175
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