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副教授 硕士生导师
控制科学与工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
电子信息 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
- [1]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,Wang, Liqun,沈俊,Hu, Jiapan.Static Output-feedback Controller Synthesis for Positive Systems under ℓ ∞ Performance:Int. J. Control Autom. Syst.,2019
- [2]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,Wang, Liqun,沈俊,Hu, Jiapan.Static Output-feedback Controller Synthesis for Positive Systems under l(infinity) Performance:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS,2019
- [3]陈晓明,陈晓明,李化涛,杨欣.基于OODA的红外导弹作战效能灰色评估:云南民族大学学报(自然科学版),2019
- [4]陈晓明,陈晓明,Wang, Li Qun,沈俊.Positive filtering for positive 2D fuzzy systems under l(1) performance:IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2019
- [5]陈晓明,陈晓明,Wang, Liqun,陈谋,沈俊.??-induced output-feedback controller synthesis for positive nonlinear systems via T?S fuzzy mode...:Fuzzy Sets Syst,2019
- [6]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,沈俊,Shao, Shuyi.l(1)-induced state-bounding observer design for positive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems:NEUROCOMPUTING,2017
- [7]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋.ℓ1-induced output-feedback control for uncertain discrete-time positive systems:Proc. - Chin. Autom. Congr., CAC,2017
- [8]陈晓明,.Controller synthesis for positive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems under ℓ1performance:Int. J. Syst. Sci.,2017,48(3):515-524
- [9]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,沈俊.A novel approach to L-1-induced controller synthesis for positive systems with interval uncertain...:JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2017
- [10]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,沈俊,Shao, Shuyi.ℓ1-induced state-bounding observer design for positive Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems:Neurocomputing,2017
- [11]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,沈俊.State-bounding observer design for uncertain positive systems under ℓ1performance:Optim Control Appl Methods,2018
- [12]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋,沈俊.State-bounding observer design for uncertain positive systems under (1) performance:OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS,2018
- [13]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋.ℓ1-Induced filtering for discrete-time positive systems with interval uncertainties:Proc. - Chin. Autom. Congr., CAC,2017
- [14]陈晓明,陈晓明,James Lam,James Lam,孟敏.Exponential stability analysis and l1 synthesis of positive T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying d...:Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems,2017
- [15]陈晓明,陈晓明,Lam, James,Meng, Min.Controller synthesis for positive Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems under l(1) performance:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE,2017
- [16]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋.l(1)-induced Output-Feedback Control for Uncertain Discrete-time Positive Systems:2017 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC),2017
- [17]陈晓明,陈晓明,陈谋.l(1)-induced Filtering for Discrete-time Positive Systems with Interval Uncertainties:2017 CHINESE AUTOMATION CONGRESS (CAC),2017