Chen Dawei
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
.Grey Correlation Analysis of Hard Landing Based on QAR Data.[C]
.Analysis of Pilot's Training Effect Based on EEG Signal.[C]
.An investigation of pilot emotion change detection based on multimodal physiological signals.[C]
.Assessment of Pilot's Mental Load During Traffic Pattern with Simulator EEG Data.[C],2020
lz,lz,高雅,ghb,Chen Dawei.基于LMS Virtual. Lab的前起落架摆振试验仿真:现代工业经济和信息化,2017
ghb,ghb,马千里,Chen Dawei,王杰,.起落架摆振分析的典型轮胎模型及其发展趋势:飞机设计,2017
ghb,ghb,王杰,,Chen Dawei,马千里.前轮摆振适航审查时Moreland轮胎模型中τ的取值:现代工业经济和信息化,2017
Chen Dawei,Chen Dawei,喻浩文,ghb.舰载机弹射起飞动力学建模研究:航空计算技术,2018
Chen Dawei,Chen Dawei,张严,喻浩文.考虑间隙特性的起落架摆振非线性分岔分析:航空计算技术,2018