
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

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2013.09起在南京航空航天大学从事教学科研工作, 期间于2018.12-2020.01以访问学者身份赴美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校交流。

主要从事非线性光学(频率转换等)、非厄米光学、集成光学/声学器件、结构光场/声场等方面研究,目前在Nat.Commu.、Appl.Phys.Lett.、Opt.lett.、Opt.Express等期刊发表SCI学术论文20余篇。 欢迎应届本科生报考硕士。(email: cdchen@nuaa.edu.cn)


Publication list (#共同一作, * 通讯作者):

28. C. D. Chen, X. Li, W. M. Li, M. Xue, Y. Y. Shi, D. X. Dong, Y. D. Xu*, Y. W. Liu* and Y. Y. Fu*, "Super-resolution acoustic displacement metrology through topological pairs in orbital meta-atoms",  Nature Communications 15, 8391 (2024).

27. L. Y. Tong, C. D. Chen, Y. J. Cai*, L. N. Zhao*, “Pulsed Optical Vortex Array Generation in a Self-Q-Switched Tm:YALO3 Laser”, Materials 17, 1144 (2024).

26. W. M. Li, J. He, D. X. Dong, G. H. Zhang, X. Li, C. D. Chen, Y. W. Liu*. and Y. Y. Fu*, "Guiding acoustic waves via a gradient index meta-layer", Physics Letters A 487, 129487 (2023).

25. Z. K. Niu, L. Y. Tong, X. H. Cao, C. D. Chen, Y. J. Cai*, and L. N. Zhao*,"Inner-cavity generation of mid-infrared optical vortex arrays from an Er:CaF2 laser", Infrared Physics and Technology 133, 104863 (2023).

24. G. H. Zhang, J. Q. Liu, D. X. Dong, C. D. Chen*, Y. W. Liu*, and Y. Y. Fu*, "Controlling directional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons by tunable non-Hermitian metasurfaces", Optics letters 48, 4296 (2023).

23. C. D. Chen*M. Xue, Y. W. Liu, L. N. Zhao, Y. N. Yang, X. P. Hu, and Y. Y. Fu*, "Switchable supermode emission in doubly-coupled-ring system for multifunctional integrated photonic devices", Optics letters 48, 3705 (2023).

22. L. Y. Tong, C. D. Chen*, Y. J. Cai*, L. N. Zhao*, "Nonlinear mirror mode-locked dual-wavelength vortex laser generation", Optics and Laser Technology 161, 109160 (2023).

21. J. Q. Liu#, C. D. Chen#, X. Li, J. W. Li, D. X. Dong, Y. W. Liu*, and Y. Y. Fu*, "Tunable dual quasi-bound states in continuum and electromagnetically induced transparency enabled by the broken material symmetry in all-dielectric compound gratings", Opt. Express 31, 4347 (2023). 

20. C. D. Chen*, D. X. Dong, L. N. Zhao, Y. W. Liu, X. P. Hu, X. Li, and Y. Y. Fu*, "Reconfigurable chiral exceptional point and tunable non-reciprocity in a non-Hermitian system with phase-change material", Opt. Express 30, 27812 (2022).

19. C. D. Chen*Y. W. Liu, L. N. Zhao, X. P. Hu, and Y. Y. Fu*, "Asymmetric nonlinear-mode-conversion in an optical waveguide with PT symmetry", Frontiers of Physics 17, 52504 (2022).

18. L. Y. Tong, Y. Yuan, W. Y. Zhang,  C. D. ChenYangjian Cai and Lina Zhao, "High-power picosecond structured optical vortices directly generated in an all-solid-state laser", Optics and Laser Technology 155, 108396 (2022).

17. W.Y. Zhang, L.Y. Tong, Y. Yuan, C. D. ChenY.J. Cai, L.N. Zhao, "Self-Q-switched Tm:YAP vortex laser by thermal-lensing effect", Infrared Physics and Technology 123, 104297 (2022).

16. C. D. Chen, Y. J. Xie and S. W. Huang, “Nanophotonic optical gyroscope with sensitivity enhancement around ‘mirrored’ exceptional points”, Opt. Commun. 483, 126674 (2021).

15. C. D. Chen and L. N. Zhao, “The effect of thermal-induced noise on doubly-coupled-ring optical gyroscope sensor around exceptional point”, Opt. Commun. 474, 126108 (2020).

14. C. D. Chen and S. W. Huang, “The generation of non-conventional beam in a nonlinear electro-optic photonic crystal”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, 092003 (2020).

13. C. D. Chen, C. Feng and X. P. Hu, “The modulation to nonlinear Raman-Nath diffraction via manipulating slopes of domain structures”, J. Opt. 21, 035501 (2019).

12. C. D. Chen, X.P.Hu, “The modulation to Cerenkov second-harmonic in a LiTaO3 waveguide with annular poling domain”, Journal of optics 1 (18) (2016)

11. C. D. Chen and X. P. Hu, “Nonlinear Cerenkov radiation in a LiTaO3 waveguide with annular poling domain”, Proceedings of SPIE 9656 (2015).

10. C. D. Chen, X. P. Hu, “Theoretical analysis of Cherenkov third harmonic generation via two cascaded χ(2) processes in a waveguide”, Laser Physics 24 (10)  (2014).

9. C. D. Chen, X. P. Hu, Y. L. Xu, P. Xu, G. Zhao, and S. N. Zhu, “Čerenkov difference frequency generation in a two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal”, Applied Physics Letters 101, 071113 (2012).

8. C. D. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao, X. P. Hu, P. Xu, and S. N. Zhu, “Experimental realization of Cerenkov up-conversions in a 2D nonlinear photonic crystal”, Journal of physics D: Applied Physics45, 405101 (2012). (期刊封面)

7. H. X. Li, S. Y. Mu, P. Xu, M. L. Zhong, C. D. Chen, X. P. Hu, W. N. Cui, and S. N. Zhu, “Multicolor Čerenkov conical beams generation by cascaded-χ(2) processes in radially poled nonlinear photonic crystals”, Applied Physics Letters 100, 101101 (2012).

6.  L. N. Zhao, Y. Yuan, X. J. Lv, C. D. Chen, X. P. Hu, G. Zhao, S. N. Zhu,  “Theoretical and experimental study on commensurable dual-periodic optical superlattice for multiple frequency conversions”, Optics Communications 285, 4537 (2012).

5. C. D. Chen, J. Lu, Y. H. Liu, X. P. Hu, L. N. Zhao, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao, Y. Yuan, and S. N. Zhu, “Cerenkov third harmonic generation via cascaded χ(2) processes in a periodic-poled LiTaO3 waveguide”, Optics Letters 7, 1227(2011).

4. J. W. Zhao, C. P. Huang, G. D. Wang, C. D. Chen, X. P. Hu, Y. Y. Zhu, "Enhanced third harmonic generation by introducing quasi-phase mismatches due to electro-optic effect", Laser physics 21, 954 (2011).

3. L. N. Zhao, Z. Qi, Y. Yuan, J. Lu, Y. H. Liu, C. D. Chen, X. J. Lv, Zhao, P. Xu, X. P. Hu, S. N. Zhu, "Integrated non-collinear red-green- blue laser light source using a 2D nonlinear photonic quasicrystal", Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28, 608 (2011).

2. Y. H. Liu, Z. D. Xie, S. D. Pan, X. J. Lv, Y. Yuan, X. P. Hu, J. Lu, L. N. Zhao, C. D. Chen, G. Zhao, and S. N. Zhu, "Diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser at 1342 nm with periodically poled LiNbO3",  Optics Letters 36, 698 (2011).

1.  C. D. Chen, J. Su, Y. Zhang, P. Xu, X. P. Hu, G. Zhao, Y. H. Liu, X. J. Lv, and S. N. Zhu, “Mode-coupling Cerenkov sum-frequency generation in a multi-mode planar waveguide”, Applied Physics Letters 97, 161112 (2010).

Educational Experience

  • 2008.9-2013.6  

    南京大学       物理学       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       Doctoral Degree in Science

  • 2004.9-2008.6  

    南京航空航天大学       应用物理学       University graduated       Bachelor's Degree in Science

Work Experience

  • 2013.6-Now


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