Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Journal:Key Eng Mat
Abstract:One step inverse analysis is widely used in sheet metal forming process, since its effective prediction in a short time. A non-linear equation about unknown displacements from final part to blank one is deduced in one step inverse analysis, and the equation is usually solved by Newton-Raphson method. The quality of final mesh is essential to convergence of Newton-Raphson method. Based on advancing front method, an adaptive triangular mesh on the final 3D surface equipped with metric frame is presented in this paper to improve condition number of matrix and enhance the convergence rate. Numerical results are showed that one step inverse analysis has faster convergence when the final mesh is provided by adaptive trianglular mesh compared with the part mesh (more triangles on final part), and it has a well distribution of thickness when final mesh is provided by adaptive triangular mesh compared with tool mesh (bad-quality triangles on final part). © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
ISSN No.:1013-9826
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Co-author:Liu, Yong-Cai,cwl
Correspondence Author:Bao Yidong
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:吉林大学
Education Level:吉林大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Manufacturing Engineering. Mechatronic Engineering
Business Address:明故宫校区15-435
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