
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Alma Mater:英国曼彻斯特大学

Discipline:Measurement Technology and Instrumentation

Business Address:自动化学院2号楼106-1室


Zhen Li

Nationality: Chinese

Languages: Chinese (native speaker), English (advanced level)

Title of present post: Associate Professor of Instrumentation and Measurement

Affiliation: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Work address: College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 29 Jiangjun Avenue, Nanjing 211106, China

Email address: zhenli&&nuaa.edu.cn (replace && with @)

Academic Qualifications                                            

2017 PhD at The University of Manchester

2013 Msc at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2010 BS at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 

 Professional Employment                                      

2018-Present Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Teaching experience                                             

2019-Present Introduction to electronics (undergraduate course) 

Reviewing experience

Composites Science and Technology

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement

Research interests                     

• Non-destructive testing (NDT) of carbon fibre- and glass fibre-reinforced polymer composite structures

• Novel microwave methods for material characterisation, sensing and imaging

List of relevant publications (selected peer-reviewed journal papers)

1. Li Z, Meng Z, Fei F, Chen Z. Microwave cavity resonator sensor with an octagonal cross section for thickness measurement of coatings on carbon fibre composites. NDT E Int 2022;130:102680.

2. Li Z, Wu C, Meng Z, Soutis C, Chen Z, Wang P, et al. Accurate Thickness Measurement of Multiple Coating Layers on Carbon Fiber Composites Using Microwave Cavity Perturbation. IEEE Trans Instrum Meas 2022;71:1–10.

3. Li Z, Wang P, Haigh A, Soutis C, Gibson A. Review of microwave techniques used in the manufacture and fault detection of aircraft composites. Aeronaut J 2021;125:151–79.

4. Li Z, Haigh A, Soutis C, Gibson A. X-band microwave characterisation and analysis of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composites. Compos Struct 2019;208:224–32.

5. Li Z, Haigh A, Soutis C, Gibson A, Sloan R. A Simulation-Assisted Non-destructive Approach for Permittivity Measurement Using an Open-Ended Microwave Waveguide. J Nondestruct Eval 2018;37:39.

6. Li Z, Haigh A, Soutis C, Gibson A, Sloan R. Microwaves Sensor for Wind Turbine Blade Inspection. Appl Compos Mater 2017;24:495–512.