Tong Wu
Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Education Level:浙江大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Science
Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering. Other specialties in Optical Engineering. 光学工程
2018.12 -- 2019.12
加州理工学院  电子工程  访问学者  访问学者
2006.9 -- 2011.6
浙江大学  光学工程  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study  Doctoral Degree in Engineering
2002.9 -- 2006.7
天津大学  信息工程  University graduated  Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
2011.10 -- Now
天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院光电信息工程学士学位,浙江大学光电系光学工程博士学位,加州理工学院电子工程系和医学工程系光学成像实验室访问学者。围绕航空航天以及生物医学等应用领域,重点开展光学成像与测量技术的基础与应用研究,目前开展包括光纤型内窥偏振敏感光学相干层析成像技术、光学测量技术、三维成像技术等研究。主持国家自然科学基金两项。担任Optics Letters、Journal of the Optical Society of America A 、Applied Optics等光学工程Top期刊审稿人。
2、 三维成像技术
[27]. 吴彤, 杨翔宇, 邹谨聪, 等. 光纤扫描式李萨如轨迹近眼显示系统设计[J]. 光学精密工程,2024,32(9):1273-1282. DOI:10.37188/OPE.20243209.1273.
[26]. Tong Wu*, Hengyu Shi, Xinkang Zhou, Youwen Liu, Ling Wang, Yaoyao Shi, Jiming Wang, Yuangang Lu, Xiaorong Gu, and Chongjun He, "Full-range depth-encoded swept source polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography," Opt. Express 32, 9374-9383 (2024)
[25]. Tong Wu*, Zhihui Chen, Youwen Liu, Qinghong Sheng, Yuangang Lu, Jiming Wang, Chongjun He, and Yaoyao Shi, "Frequency selection rule for the HDHF Lissajous scanning imaging with a low-voltage one axis actuated PZT scanner based on an asymmetric fiber cantilever," Opt. Express 32, 2774-2785 (2024)
[24]. Tong Wu*, Jincong Zou, Youwen Liu, Yuangang Lu, Jiming Wang, Yaoyao Shi, Hong Shen, Xiaorong Gu, and Chongjun He, "Local polarization properties extraction using single incident state, single-mode-fiber-based spectral domain polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography," Appl. Opt. 62, 989-996 (2023)
[23]. 吴彤*, 周鑫康, 刘友文, 王吉明, 路元刚, 沈红, 顾晓蓉, 施瑶瑶, 赫崇君. 基于谱域偏振敏感光学相干层析的局域偏振属性提取及生物组织烧伤深度的定量测量[J]. 中国激光, 2022, 49(24): 2407203
[22]. Yide Zhang, Binglin Shen, Tong Wu, Jerry Zhao, Joseph C. Jing, Peng Wang, Kanomi Sasaki-Capela, William G. Dunphy, David Garrett, Konstantin Maslov, Weiwei Wang & Lihong V. Wang. Ultrafast and hypersensitive phase imaging of propagating internodal current flows in myelinated axons and electromagnetic pulses in dielectrics. Nature Communications 13, 5247 (2022).
[21].Tong Wu, Yunzhi Huang, Youwen Liu, Jiming Wang, Yaoyao Shi, Xiaorong Gu, Hong Shen, Chongjun He, Yuangang Lu, Ultrathin lensed fiber based anastigmatic needle probe for endoscopic swept source optical coherence tomography, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022, 154, 107043.
[20].吴彤, 霍文麒, 黄蕴智, 王吉明, 顾晓蓉, 路元刚, 赫崇君, 刘友文. 用于内窥光学相干层析成像的小型化预标定Lissajous扫描光纤探头. 物理学报. 2021, 70(15): 150701. doi: 10.7498/aps.70.20210151
[19].吴彤,吴超,潘瑞斌,张磊,赫崇君,王吉明,路元刚,刘友文. 基于扫频光学相干层析的墨迹鉴别方法研究[J]. 中国激光, 2020, 47(11): 1104007
[18].Wu Tong, Zhang Lei, Huo Wenqi, et al. Miniaturized precalibration-based Lissajous scanning fiber probe for high speed endoscopic optical coherence tomography [J]. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(8): 2470-2473.
[17].Wu Tong, Cao Keming, Wang Xuhui, et al. Single input state, single mode fiber based spectral domain polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography using a single linear-in-wavenumber spectral camera[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 127(Apr.):105948.1-105948.7.
[16].Wu Tong, Pan Ruibin, Cao Keming, et al. Side-viewing endoscopic imaging probe for swept source optical coherence tomography[J]. Optics Communications, 2020, 467:125596.
[15]. 吴彤, 孙帅帅, 王绪晖, 王吉明, 赫崇君, 顾晓蓉, 刘友文. 基于最优化线性波数光谱仪的谱域光学相干层析成像系统[J]. 物理学报, 2018, 67(10): 104208. doi:10.7498/aps.67.20172606.
[14]. Wu Tong, Sun Shuaishuai, Wang Xuhui, et al., Optimization of linear-wavenumber spectrometer for high-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Optics Communication, 2017; 405(171) DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2017.08.016
[13]. Wu Tong, Wang Qingqing, Liu Youwen, et al.. Extending the Effective Ranging Depth of Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography by Spatial Frequency Domain Multiplexing. Applied Sciences. 2016; 6(11):360.
[12]. Tong Wu, Qingqing Wang, Youwen Liu and Jiming Wang, "Extending the effective imaging depth in spectral domain optical coherence tomography by dual spatial frequency encoding ", Proc. SPIE 9697, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX, 96972X (March 8, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2211500.
[11]. Tong Wu, Yaoyao Shi, Youwen Liu, Chongjun He, “Speckle reduction in optical coherence tomography by adaptive total variation method,” Journal of Modern Optics, 62:21, 1849-1855, (2015) DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2015.1054444.
[10]. 施瑶瑶, 吴彤*, 刘友文. 艾里光束自弯曲性质的控制[J]. 光子学报, 2013, 42(12): 1401~1407
[9]. Tong Wu and Youwen Liu, "Optimal non-uniform fast Fourier transform for high-speed swept source optical coherence tomography," Chinese Optics Letters 11, 021702- (2013)
[8]. Tong Wu, Zhihua Ding, Chuan Wang, and Minghui Chen, "Full-range swept source optical coherence tomography based on carrier frequency by transmissive dispersive optical delay line," Journal of Biomedical Optics 16 (12), 126008 (2011).
[7]. Tong Wu, Zhihua Ding, Ling Wang, and Minghui Chen, "Spectral phase based k-domain interpolation for uniform sampling in swept-source optical coherence tomography," Optics Express 19 (19), 18430-18439 (2011).
[6]. 丁志华,吴彤,孟婕,王凯,杨亚良,王玲,吴兰,刘旭. 从光学相干层析成像到光学频域成像[J]. 激光与光电子学进展, 2009, 46(1): 16~18
[5]. 吴彤,丁志华, “20 kHz扫频光学相干层析系统” [J], 中国激光, 2009, 36(2): 503~508.
[4]. 吴彤,丁志华,王凯,徐磊,陈明惠,王川, “基于光纤扫描探头的扫频光学相干层析实时成像系统”, [J], 光学学报, 2009, 29 (s1): 37~41.
[3]. Tong Wu, Zhihua Ding, Minghui Chen, Lei Xu, Guohua Shi, and Yudong Zhang, "Development of high-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography system at 1320 nm," Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2 (1), 117-122 (2009).
[2]. Tong Wu, Zhihua Ding, Kai Wang, and Chuan Wang, "Swept source optical coherence tomography based on non-uniform discrete fourier transform," Chinese Optics Letters 7 (10), 941-944 (2009).
[1]. Tong Wu, Zhihua Ding, Kai Wang, Minghui Chen, and Chuan Wang, "Two-dimensional scanning realized by an asymmetry fiber cantilever driven by single piezo bender actuator for optical coherence tomography," Optics Express 17 (16), 13819-13829 (2009).
[2]. 唐艺恒, 吴彤, 扶杨玉, 黄一诺, 李思潼, 明玥. 基于VirtualLab的时间相干性教学实验仿真[J].物理通报,2023,42(7):78-83
[1]. 吴彤.探析提升大学课堂教学效果的途径[J].都市家教:上半月, 2014(3):1.
1、用于内窥光学相干层析成像的二维扫描光纤探头 ZL200910154253.3
2、基于干涉光谱相位信息的光谱标定方法及系统 ZL201110030974.0
3、基于位相复用的全量程扫频OCT成像方法及系统 ZL201110141036.8
4、基于群延迟波数载频的镜像分离方法及系统 ZL201010520190.1
5、一种紧凑型光谱采集装置及采集方法 ZL201210500511.0
6、基于双空间载频技术拓展OCT成像深度的方法与系统 ZL201510390567.9
7、一种光谱编码共焦与光学相干层析协同成像方法与系统 ZL201410459764.7
8、基于谱域干涉仪的折射率和厚度同步测量方法与系统 ZL201510390449.8
9、基于琼斯矩阵的光纤型扫频偏振敏感OCT成像方法及系统 ZL201811165656.3