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学历:南京航空航天大学 所在单位:电子信息工程学院 电子邮箱:

S-box Optimization for SM4 Algorithm

点击次数: 所属单位:电子信息工程学院 发表刊物:WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, WCECS 2017, VOL I 关键字:SM4 algorithm S-box Composite Field Arithmetic (CFA) mixed basis 摘要:This paper proposes a highly optimized S-box of SM4 algorithm for low-area and high-speed embedded application. A novel methodology is adopted for S-box implementation based on Composite Field Arithmetic (CFA) and mixed basis. The optimization result shows that the S-box based on mixed basis has shorter critical path than S-boxes based on normal basis and polynomial basis. Compared with previous works, the mixed basis based S-box proposed in this paper can achieve the shortest critical path. Besides, the operations over GF((22)2) and the constant matrix multiplications are optimized by Delay-Aware Common Sub-expression Elimination (DACSE) algorithm. ASIC implementation using static 180 nm @ 1.8 V yield an area reduction of 35.57% as compared to direct implementation. ISSN号:2078-0958 是否译文: 发表时间:2017-01-01 合写作者:Zhu, Yuan,吴 宁,Yasir 通讯作者:周芳