Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:An integrated similarity measure method for normal cloud model based on shape and distance
Affiliation of Author(s):经济与管理学院
Journal:Xitong Gongcheng Lilum yu Shijian
Abstract:A method for calculating the similarity of normal cloud model is studied. The concept of shape similarity and distance similarity of normal cloud model is proposed, the framework of integrated similarity measurement of cloud model is established. The shape similarity of normal cloud model calculation formula is given combined with digital feature of the cloud model. The influence relation and mathematical properties of distance between two cloud models on similarity are studied, the definition of similarity measure based on distance is proposed and a convenient computing method is studied. The example illustrates the feasibility of the algorithm. © 2017, Editorial Board of Journal of Systems Engineering Society of China. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1000-6788
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-03-25
Co-author:zjj,Liu, Xiaodi
Correspondence Author:Jun Wang
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