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  • 康国华

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  •   博士生导师
  • 招生学科专业:
    光学工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 航天学院
    控制科学与工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 航天学院
    电子信息 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 航天学院
    机械 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 航天学院
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Precise point positioning payload for enhanced navigation microsatellite in low orbit

发表刊物:Proc. Int. Astronaut. Congr., IAC
摘要:It is one of the hotspots in the application of the low-orbit microsatellite networks, which are used for navigation enhancement. However there is an important technical difficulty, which is the localization of microsatellites under the complex perturbation conditions of low orbits. At present the LEO satellite positioning usually utilizes the pseudo-range method through GPS, the real-time accuracy is usually only meters, and it is far from satisfying the demand of microsatellites used as the navigation satellite. This paper starts from the demand of real-time and high-precision positioning of LEO microsatellites. A method of high precision carrier phase location which using dual-frequency GPS receiver combined with high-precision IGS data is proposed, which is called Precise Point Positioning, and a positioning and orbit determination payload for navigation enhancement microsatellite is developed. The payload takes advantage of acceptable precision ground ephemeris data of low-orbit navigation satellites, and combines with the high precision of carrier phase positioning data and fast-moving characteristics of low orbit satellite. In the end, it realizes the high precision positioning for LEO microsatellite. The theoretical model and simulation show that this payload can improve positioning accuracy by an order of magnitude and can shorten the positioning time to ten minutes. At the same time the payload can broadcast IGS precision ephemeris information to further improve the positioning ability of ground users. The payload has been launched in "Heading â…  " microsatellite in 15th Nov 2017. In-orbit testing indicates that when the LEO satellite is used as the navigation satellite, the position precision of the ground receivers can reach the 30cm@5min. And this navigation information and the message from payload will provide centimeter-level navigation enhancement signals for terrestrial users. The information can be widely used in precision agriculture unmanned aerial vehicles, dam deformation, landslide detection and so on. Copyright © 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation.


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