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Distributed Turbulence Model with Rigorous Spatial Cross-Correlation for Simulation of Helicopter Flight in Atmospheric Turbulence

Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院



Abstract:This paper presents a distributed turbulencemodel with rigorous spatial cross-correlation for helicopter flight simulation in atmospheric turbulence and for future handling-quality analysis. First, digital filters with longitudinal correlations of the von K 'arm' an turbulence are developed to generate discrete turbulence velocity components. Meanwhile, transverse turbulence correlations are considered by relating the filters in different positionswithmathematically rigorous spatial cross-correlation. Then, the distributions of the related filters on the transverse plane in front of helicopter and their velocity components in the longitudinal direction of airspeed, as well as turbulence models of helicopter aerodynamic surfaces, are established. Finally, a flight dynamics model coupled with the turbulence model is developed and validated against the flight-test data. The proposed model can achieve accurate real-time simulations of helicopter response to atmospheric turbulence in the frequency range of interest of handling qualities. The effect of transverse turbulence correlations on helicopter frequency response is also analyzed. The results show that the simulationmodel regardless of transverse turbulence correlations would aggravate the "rotor-to-body attenuation" effect of the main rotor and therefore underpredict the helicopter roll, pitch, and heave rate responses to atmospheric turbulence in the frequency range of interest.

ISSN No.:0002-8711

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-10-01

Co-author:Ji, Honglei,lp

Correspondence Author:crl

Personal information


Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学

Education Level:南京航空航天大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering

Discipline:直升机工程. Flight Vehicle Design

Contact Information:crlae@nuaa.edu.cn


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