Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Title of Paper:Behavior and functional modeling methods of doubly salient electromagnetic generators for aircraft electrical power system applications
Journal:Chin J Aeronaut
Abstract:The Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Generator (DSEG) is a promising candidate in aircraft generator application due to the simplicity, robustness and reliability. However, the field windings and the armature windings are strongly coupled, which makes the inductance characteristics non-linear and too complex to model. The complex model with low precision also leads to difficulties in modeling and analysis of the entire aircraft Electrical Power System (EPS). A behavior level modeling method based on modified inductance Support Vector Machine (SVM) is proposed. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) inductance data are modified based on the experiment results to improve the precision. A functional level modeling method based on input–output characteristics SVM is also proposed. The two modeling methods are applied to a 9 kW DSEG prototype. The steady state and transient process precision of the proposed methods are proved by comparing with the experiment results. Meanwhile, the modeling time consumption, the application time consumption and the calculation resource demand are compared. The DSEG behavior and functional modeling methods provide precious results with high efficiency, which accelerates theoretical analysis and expands the application foreground of the DSEG in the aircraft EPS. © 2019 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
ISSN No.:1000-9361
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-02-01
Co-author:XU, Yanwu,Yu Li,SHI, Yuke
Correspondence Author:Zhang Zhuoran