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Analysis of Electromagnetic Performance of Doubly Salient Brushless DC Generator With Distributed Field Magnetomotive Forces


Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院

Title of Paper:Analysis of Electromagnetic Performance of Doubly Salient Brushless DC Generator With Distributed Field Magnetomotive Forces

Journal:Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao

Abstract:The doubly salient brushless DC generator (DSBLDCG), which is constituted of a doubly salient electro-magnetic machine with concentrated field magnetomotive forces (DSEM-CF) and the associated uncontrolled rectifier circuit has the characteristics of convenient voltage regulation and high reliability. However, the machine suffers from the inherent characteristics of asymmetric flux path for the phases, which has influence on the phase electromotive force (EMF) and output voltage ripple. The generating performance of the doubly salient electro-magnetic machine with distributed field magnetomotive forces (DSEM-DF) was investigated in this paper. The comparison of structure characteristics and operation performance between DSEM-DF and DSEM-CF was carried out. The armature reaction, inductance characteristics and flux distribution were investigated by finite element (FE) method. The multi-phase machine and its winding configuration in different generating mode were analyzed. The prototype was designed and manufactured and the analysis of electromagnetic performance was validated by experiments. The results show that with the reasonable winding configuration and rectifier, the DSBLDCG constituted by DSEM-DF has good generating performance. The output DC voltage ripple can be reduced and the phase current waveforms are improved to be symmetric. © 2017 Chin. Soc. for Elec. Eng.

ISSN No.:0258-8013

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-11-05


Correspondence Author:Zhang Zhuoran

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