Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
Contact Information:025-84896601
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Journal:Int J Mach Tools Manuf
Abstract:The up-and-coming trend of product miniaturization alongwith application of novel materials with extreme properties has created a challenge for machining industry. Newly developed wire electrochemical micromachining (WECMM), as an important nontraditional micromachining technique, has been identified as a promising method for fabrication of microcomponents on a wide range of conductive materials. However, in many cases, the processing performance is typically limited by the properties of tool cathode and the mass transport rate in the interelectrode, which plays a crucial role in further development of this technique. Herein, the use of bipolar nanosecond pulses is innovatively proposed to help reduce the deposition of electrolysis products on the tool electrode and the underlying mechanism is systematically analyzed. Helical carbon nanotube fiber (CNF) was used as a new tool cathode in vibration-assisted WECMM to enhance the mass transport rate. The microshaping characteristics of the proposed method using bipolar nanosecond pulses were then investigated using a Ni-based metallic glass that exhibits typical passivation behavior in dilute acidic electrolytes as a representative example. Compared with traditional unipolar pulses, the use of bipolar pulses could effectively inhibit passive film growth on the machining surface of metallic glasses. In addition, no tool wear occurred for CNF that the original surface morphology became rougher only at excessive negative voltages. Finally, functional microcomponents were successfully fabricated with overall improved processing performance. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
ISSN No.:0890-6955
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-11-01
Co-author:Meng, Lingchao,zz
Correspondence Author:Zeng yongbin