Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Key Words:honeycomb zero Poisson's ratio mechanical properties flexible skin
Abstract:Flexible skin used in morphing wings is required to provide adequate cooperation deformation as well as bear the air load. Besides, according to the requirement of smoothness, the non-deformation direction of flexible skin needs to be restrained. This paper studies the mechanical properties of a cruciform honeycomb under a zero Poisson's ratio constraint. The in-plane morphing capacity of the honeycomb is improved by optimizing the shape parameters of the honeycomb unit. To improve the out-of-plane bending capacity, a zero Poisson's ratio mixed cruciform honeycomb with additional ribs is proposed. The mechanical properties of the mixed honeycomb are studied by theoretical analysis and simulation. Based on the design requirements of variable-camber trailingedge flexible skin, the specific design parameters and performance parameters of the skin based on the mixed honeycomb are given. The results show that the zero Poisson's ratio mixed cruciform honeycomb has high bending rigidity itself and can have better deformation capacity in-plane and higher bending rigidity out-of-plane by optimizing the shape parameters. The designed skin also has advantages in driving force, deformation capacity and quality over conventional skin.
ISSN No.:2053-1591
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-04-01
Co-author:Rong, Jiaxin
Correspondence Author:周丽
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering
Discipline:Engineering Mechanics. Solid Mechanics
Contact Information:邮箱 电话:13912998508
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