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Fatigue crack monitoring of aerospace structure based on lamb waves and binary tree support vector machines

Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院


Key Words:binary tree support vector machines matching pursuit method fatigue crack aerospace structure lamb wave

Abstract:To overcome the difficulty in identifying the fatigue crack in key parts of aerospace structure, a kind of methods aimed to monitor the crack length based on matching pursuit (MP) method and binary tree support vector machines (BT-SVM) classification algorithm was developed. In this method, Lamb wave signals were decomposed into a linear combination of several Chirplet atoms by MP method, and then the matching parameters were extracted as feature vectors for training and testing in BT-SVM classification algorithm. At the same time, a lug joint model was created with a certain ratio and the effect of crack extension on Lamb wave signals propagation was studied. At last, fatigue loading experiments were carried out in lug joints and tail reinforced frames of aircraft. The results showed that this method can monitor the length of fatigue crack effectively, which presents a new approach for monitoring the fatigue crack.

ISSN No.:1392-8716

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-08-01

Co-author:Lu, Shenbo

Correspondence Author:周丽

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Education Level:南京航空航天大学

School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering

Discipline:Engineering Mechanics. Solid Mechanics

Contact Information:邮箱:lzhou@nuaa.edu.cn 电话:13912998508


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