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Multi-objective robust design optimization of a novel negative Poisson's ratio bumper system


Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院

Title of Paper:Multi-objective robust design optimization of a novel negative Poisson's ratio bumper system


Key Words:negative Poisson's ratio structure bumper system multi-objective robust design optimization parameterized model crashworthiness

Abstract:Negative Poisson's ratio (NPR) structure has outstanding performances in lightweight and energy absorption, and it can be widely applied in automotive industries. By combining the front anti-collision beam, crash box and NPR structure, a novel NPR bumper system for improving the crashworthiness is first proposed in the work. The performances of the NPR bumper system are detailed studied by comparing to traditional bumper system and aluminum foam filled bumper system. To achieve the rapid design while considering perturbation induced by parameter uncertainties, a multi-objective robust design optimization method of the NPR bumper system is also proposed. The parametric model of the bumper system is constructed by combining the full parametric model of the traditional bumper system and the parametric model of the NPR structure. Optimal Latin hypercube sampling technique and dual response surface method are combined to construct the surrogate models. The multi-objective robust optimization results of the NPR bumper system are then obtained by applying the multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm and six sigma criteria. The results yielded from the optimizations indicate that the energy absorption capacity is improved significantly by the NPR bumper system and its performances are further optimized efficiently by the multi-objective robust design optimization method.

ISSN No.:1674-7321

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-07-01

Co-author:Zhao Wanzhong,Ma, ZhengDong,wcy,Lily

Correspondence Author:Zhou Guan

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