Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Business Address:明故宫机电学院17号楼421室
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Key Words:IoT-based manufacturing real-time scheduling MAS rolling horizon contract network
Abstract:With the improvement of consumption concept, customer's demand is becoming more and more dynamic, diversified and personalized, which requires the manufacturing system to be more and more robust and real-time. To achieve such purpose, in this paper, a hierarchical heterogeneous hybrid multi-agent system (MAS) based control architecture is proposed, a MAS-based shop floor scheduling model is designed, an event-driven rolling horizon scheduling mechanism is selected as the scheduling mechanism of the system and an improved contract network protocol is proposed to act as the system's scheduling algorithm. According to the simulation experiments based on the ever built experimental platform, Internet of Things (IoT) based manufacturing real-time scheduling system is proven to be feasible.
ISSN No.:1392-1207
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-01-01
Co-author:王盈聪,Chen Ming
Correspondence Author:Zhu Haihua