张夏阳,副教授,航空学院、直升机动力学全国重点实验室教师,先后入选国家级“青年人才托举工程”计划、“科技智库青年人才计划”,南航百强团队成员。主要从事新构型直升机设计、旋翼流固耦合力学、智能/eVTOL飞行器等方向的研究工作。本科(保送)、博士(直博)毕业于北京航空航天大学飞行器设计专业,获“北京市优秀毕业生”。主持某专项子课题、国家自然科学基金青年/面上项目、工信部民机项目课题、某YYTJ项目课题、国家重点实验室基金、研究生教学改革等项目,参研国家自然科学基金重点项目、GF173、两机重大专项等项目。在《AIAA Journal》、《Journal of Fluids and Structures》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》、《Aerospace Science and Technology》、AIAA系列会议等国内外知名期刊和学术会议上公开发表论文70余篇(SCI、EI收录近30篇),授权/受理发明专利70余项。担任AST、IJMS、IJASS、PartG:JAE等SCI期刊审稿人和《航空学报》、《振动与冲击》、《航空工程进展》等中文期刊审稿人。主要讲授《高等直升机空气动力学》、《旋翼空气动力学》、《航空航天概论》等课程,获省部级二等奖1项。
[1] X Y. Zhang, H L. Wang, Q J. Zhao et al., Structural modeling and dynamic analysis of the two-segment deployable beam system. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2022), 107633.
[2] Zhang X Y, Chen X, Zhang K, Zhao Q J, Wang Hualong. Structural modeling and modal analysis of rotor blade during ice accretion. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022.
[3] Zhang X Y, Zhao Q J, Ma L, Zhang K. Frequency-domain analyses on the aeroelastic characteristics of thrust-vectored system on airship. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021.
[4] Ma Li, Zhao Qijun, Zhang Kai, Zhang Xiayang, et al. Aeroelastic analysis and structural parametric design of composite rotor blade[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020.
[5] Zhang Kai, Zhao Qijun, Zhang Xiayang, et al. Analysis of rotor aerodynamic response during ramp collective pitch increase by CFD method[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2020.
[6] Zhang Xiayang, Zhao Qijun, Zhao Guoqing, Wang Bo. Structural characteristics of a propulsion mechanical system considering aeromechanical excitations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020, 168: 105227.
[7] Zhang Xiayang, Zhao Meijuan, Liang Haoquan, Zhu Ming. Structural and aeroelastic analyses of a wing with tip rotor[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 86: 44-69.
[8] Zhang Xiayang, Zhou Xu, Wang Bo,Zhao Qijun, Zhao Guoqing. Dynamic Characteristics of Tilt-Rotor Systems on Advanced High-Altitude VTOL Vehicle[C], ARF 2019:8th Asian and Australian Rotorcraft Forum.
[9] Zhang Kai, Zhao Qijun, Xu Guohua, Zhang Xiayang. Analysis of rotor aerodynamic response during ramp collective pitch increase by CFD method[C], ARF 2019:8th Asian and Australian Rotorcraft Forum.
[10] Zhao Guoqing, Zhao Qijun, Wang Bo, Zhang Xiayang. Effects of Trailing Edge Flap on Rotor Moment Characteristics[C], ARF 2019:8th Asian and Australian Rotorcraft Forum.
[11] Zhang Xiayang, Zhao Meijuan, Liang Haoquan, Zhu Ming. Mode analysis of the thrust-vectored system on an airship[J]. AIAA Journal, 2019, 25(3): 593-611.
[12] Zhang Xiayang, Zhao Meijuan, Liang Haoquan. Improved algorithms applying the numerical Laplace method for response analyses of Timoshenko beam subjected to typical external loads[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 144: 186-204.
[13] Zhang Xiayang, Liang Haoquan, Zhao Meijuan. Fundamental solution and its validation by numerical inverse Laplace transformation and FEM for a damped Timoshenko beam subjected to impact and moving loads[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(3): 593-611.
[14] Zhang Xiayang, Zhu Ming, Zhao Meijuan, Wu Zhe. Frequency analysis of wing-rotor system considering flexibility in capsule based on high-accurate method[J]. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2018, 19(2): 375-387.
[15] Zhang Xiayang, Zhu Ming, Wu Zhe, Zhao Meijuan. Dynamic Analysis of Timoshenko Beam with Arbitrary Constraints and a Further Optimization Based on Least Energy Principle[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2018: 1-19.
[16] Zhang Xiayang, Zhu Ming, Liang Haoquan. Dynamic analysis of the continuous fluid-structure system based on Timoshenko model and considering damping[C]. 58th AIAA /ASCE /AHS /ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Grapevine, Texas: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017.
[17] Zhang Xiayang, Liang Haoquan, Guo Xiao, Zhu Ming. Several Concerns of Advanced Airships for Thrust-vectoring Application on Dynamic Study[C]. 23rd AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Systems Technology Conference. Denver, Colorado: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017.
[18] 张夏阳, 祝明, 武哲. 基于K-V阻尼模型的铁木辛柯梁振动响应分析[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(3): 500--507.
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:航空学会会员
Alma Mater:北京航空航天大学
Education Level:北京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:直升机工程. 机械工程. Flight Vehicle Design
Business Address:明故宫校区
Contact Information:邮箱:zhangxiayang@nuaa.edu.cn
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