
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Education Level:中科院成都有机化学所

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science

School/Department:College of Material Science and Technology

Discipline:Inorganic Chemistry. 能源动力. Organic Chemistry. Polymer Chemistry and Physics. Physical Chemistry. Material Physics and Chemistry

Business Address:材料科学与技术学院D10-B201

Contact Information:dh_msc@nuaa.edu.cn


Paper Publications

MXene debris modified eggshell membrane as separator for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries


Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院


Key Words:Lithium-sulfur batteries Eggshell membrane MXene Polysulfides absorption Separator

Abstract:A functional separator (MXene/ESM) to suppress the lithium polysulfides shuffling via coating MXene debris on one surface of a biodegradable eggshell membrane (ESM) is designed to enhance the electrochemical performance of Li-S batteries. The excellent electronic conductivity of the porous MXene debris, and the good mechanical strength, superior thermal stability as well as large electrolyte infiltration of ESM make MXene/ESM an ideal separator for high-performance Li-S batteries. The strong chemisorption induced from both Ti-S bond formed between Ti atom in MXene and the lithium polysulfides by the Lewis acid-base interaction and affinity of O and N containing functional groups on ESM to the lithium polysulfides greatly prevents the shuttling effect of the polysulfides. Compared with a commercial polypropylene separator, the Li-S battery with the MXene/ESM separator containing a KJC/S cathode and a Li metal anode displays greatly improved cycling stability with a capacity retention of 74% after 250 cycles at 0.5 C, while the Li-S battery with a polypropylene separator remains only 11%. The rate performance of Li-S battery with the MXene/ESM separator has also been enhanced compared to that with a polypropylene separator. Specifically, the Li-S battery with the MXene/ESM separator has a discharge capacity of 1321 mAh g(-1) at 0.1 C, 1112 mAh g(-1) at 0.2 C, 1003 mAh g(-1) at 0.5 C and 948 mAh g(-1) at 1 C.

ISSN No.:1385-8947

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-11-15

Co-author:尹玲霞,徐桂银,聂平,Zhang Xiaogang

Correspondence Author:Dou Hui

Pre One:High-Voltage Li2SiO3?LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4Hollow Spheres Prepared through In Situ Aerosol Spray Pyrolysis towards High-Energy Li-Ion Batteries


毕业于中国科学院成都有机化学研究所,研究领域为电化学储能材料与器件,包括超级电容器、锂离子电池、锌碘电池、质子电池锂硫电池、锌离子电池等。研究方向包括纳米结构复合电极材料、有机电极材料、硅负极粘结剂、电解质等的设计及可控制备。作为项目负责人先后承担了国家自然科学基金及江苏省自然基金等项目项,作为学术骨干参加了国家重点研发项目江苏省前沿引领基础研究专项、江苏省重点研发计划、国家“973”计划等课题。获得省部级奖项2项,其他奖项2项。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Comm., ACS nano, Energy storage Mater., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Power Sources, Green Chem.等学术刊物上发表电化学能源相关研究论文70余篇;作为通讯作者受邀在ChemElectroChemMater. TodaySmall MethodsChin. Chem. Lett.撰写发表相关综述论文4篇。担任全国离子液体专业委员会委员、江苏省化学化工学会理事教育部学位论文评审专家、江苏省科技厅江西省科技厅评审专家等社会服务工作。受邀为Angewandte Chemie、Adv. Mater.Adv. Funct. Mater.、 J. Mater. Chem. A、Chem. Eng. J.等国际期刊审稿人。