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    交通运输工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 民航学院
    交通运输 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 民航学院
论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Verifying the Safety of Aviation Software Based on Extended Colored Petri Net

发表刊物:Math. Probl. Eng.
摘要:At present, various functions of aircraft have become more and more dependent on airborne software system, and the structure of modern airborne software is extremely complex. Engineers need to eliminate the situation in which the safety performance of the entirety reduces caused by mutual influence among components. This paper presents a comprehensive method with high efficiency for safety verification of airborne software system, in order to ensure the system meet safety requirement of airworthiness standard at the design stage. Safety Verification Colored Petri Net (SVCPN) for software safety verification is firstly proposed, and then the mapping transformation rules from Block Definition Diagram (BDD) of System Modeling Language (SysML) to SVCPN are proposed to achieve the accurately formal description of software system. Traversing all delivery paths of safety level transfer based on the Reachable Tree Diagram, to detect the components that do not meet the safety requirement of airworthiness standard. Based on the disambiguation algorithm, the fundamental components that cause safety problem are found out through the establishment of antinet to achieve the safety level reassign, ensuring the safety performance of the whole system. Finally, the case study and the comparison and analysis are applied to show the feasibility and superiority of our method. © 2019 Hang Zhou et al.
合写作者:Zhang, Canheng,李悦,Gu, Yang,Zhou, Shikang


版权所有©2018- 南京航空航天大学·信息化处(信息化技术中心)