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  • 周航 ( 副教授 )

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  •   副教授   硕士生导师
  • 招生学科专业:
    交通运输工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 民航学院
    交通运输 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 民航学院
论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Effects of Entrance and Exit Aspect Ratios on Flow Characteristics of Inward Turning Inlets

发表刊物:Tuijin Jishu
摘要:To study the effects of the entrance and exit aspect ratios on flow characteristic of the inward turning inlet, the performance of inlets with different compound modes of entrance and exit aspect ratios is simulated by setting entrance and exit shape with different aspect ratios. Multiple models are numerically simulated at the design point of Ma6. The results indicate that the ratio of the exit and entrance aspect ratios is an important parameter of the inlet performance. The total pressure recovery coefficient is high when the ratio is between 1 and 1.5. The maximum increase reaches 25.3%. The distortion index is highest when the ratio is 1. Setting different exit and entrance aspect ratios can decrease the distortion index. The maximum decline reaches 40.5%. In addition, when the entrance and exit aspect ratios are between 0.8 and 2.4, increasing the aspect ratios can reduce 25% of the inlet length at most. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Propulsion Technology. All right reserved.
合写作者:Zhou, Hang,金志光,XT21373
通讯作者:Zhou, Hang,周航


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