Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Journal:MWP - Int. Top. Meet. Microw. Photonics
Abstract:A broadband photonic RF channelizer with large in-band interference suppression is proposed and experimentally demonstrated based on dual optical frequency combs (OFCs) and photonic image-reject mixers (IRMs). A Ku-band RF signal with a bandwidth of 5 GHz is channelized into five sub-channels with 1-GHz instantaneous bandwidth. The in-band interference, which is a serious problem of conventional photonics-based RF channelizer, is suppressed by more than 25 dB. © 2017 IEEE.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-12-05
Co-author:Tang, Zhenzhou,Shilong PAN
Correspondence Author:朱丹