
Mechanical properties of the Fe-Al-Nb coating by double glow plasma surface metallurgy


  • Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院

  • Journal:Surf. Rev. Lett.

  • Abstract:The Q235 steel was covered by Fe-Al-Nb alloyed coating to improve the mechanical properties of the Q235 steel. This double glow plasma surface metallurgy (DGPSM) surface modification technique was carried out at 1023K and pressure of 38Pa for 4.5h. The surface morphology represented the typical Volmer-Weber mode, an island structure which was accumulated by numerous small particles, and most of the angles formed between three islands were about 120° where there was no appreciable defect. Meanwhile, in the cross-sectional morphology of the Fe-Al-Nb coating, there was a deposition layer, a diffusion layer and two transition regions between the different adjacent interfaces, and the coating approximate 17μm was found to be metallurgically adhered to the Q235 steel. The basic mechanical properties of the Fe-Al-Nb coating and Q235 steel including the hardness, elastic modulus and friction performance were measured and compared. The results showed that the formation of Fe3Al, FeAl, and Fe2Nb intermetallic compounds and Nb carbides in the coating can enhance the mechanical properties of the treated sample. The nanoindentation tests indicated that the hardness and elastic modulus of Fe-Al-Nb coating were 8.08GPa and 260.03GPa which were much higher than Q235 steel. The sliding friction tests showed that Fe-Al-Nb coating significantly improved the friction performance of Q235 steel at the speed of 300, 600 and 900rpm with load 320g for 15min. © 2018 World Scientific Publishing Company.

  • ISSN No.:0218-625X

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2018-12-01

  • Co-author:Zhang, Zelei

  • Correspondence Author:Yao Zhengjun

  • Date of Publication:2018-12-01

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